Experimental physics of low and intermediate energies

Faculty: F. CappuzzelloS. CherubiniE.I. GeraciL. LamiaD. Lo PrestiA. MusumarraG. Politi G.G. RapisardaF. RizzoS. RomanoM.L. Sergi
This area studies the atomic nucleus, the nuclear reaction mechanisms, the decay of nuclei or their transmutation into other type of particles and the nuclear matter at various conditions of temperature and density. These studies are performed via nuclear collisions investigated at national and international laboratories in the energy range 1-100 MeV per nucleon, thanks to top level detection systems. The results are then described by adopting advanced theoretical models and they find application in different fields such as astrophysics, medicine and environmental studies.



Faculty: E.I. GeraciG. Politi F. Rizzo
Chimera multidetector allows to investigate several subjects of heavy ions nuclear collisions at low and intermediate energies, realized with stable and unstable beams. The investigated topics include the isospin influence on reaction mechanisms, the study of time scales in fragments production and the isospin evolution of the asymmetry term in the equation of state of nuclear matter at low (LNS) and high (GSI Darmstadt) density. The FARCOS array is dedicated to the study of correlations, femptoscopy and spectroscopy in nuclear reactions. The research activities are realized in partnership with INFN, mainly Sezione di Catania and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud.



Faculty: F. Cappuzzello
NUMEN is an international research project leaded by INFN at the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, aiming at studying nuclear matrix elements of neutrinoless double beta decay. These quantities are mandatory to extract, from possible observations of such decays, elements of physics beyond the standard model. The project covers aspects of experimental nuclear physics, as well as theoretical physics and development of advanced technologies within a challenging international research framework. NUMEN acts in synergy with the project NURE of the European Research Council.


ASFIN (AStroFIsica Nucleare, CSN3-INFN)

Faculty: S. CherubiniL. LamiaG.G. RapisardaS. RomanoM.L. Sergi
The ASFIN (AStroFIsica Nucleare, CSN3-INFN) experiment studies nuclear fusion reactions which play an important role in both stellar energy generation and in the synthesis of the elements in the Cosmos. The experimental activities within ASFIN are mostly performed at INFN-LNS by using, for instance, the Trojan Horse Method (THM) or by studying nuclear structure for weakly bound nuclei. The ASFIN group has well established national and international collaborations. It organizes, since 2001, the European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics.


Environmental radioactivity

Faculty: G. Politi, G.G. Rapisarda, S. Romano
Measurements of alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity, with new generation detectors, on solid, liquid and gaseous samples and measurements of Radon gas concentration, indoor and outdoor.
Gamma and alpha spectrometry measurements on pyroclastic material samples aimed at studying the dynamics of eruptive phenomena of volcanoes, in collaboration with the INGV.
These activities are also carried out in collaboration with the INFN-LNS of Catania.