
Responsabile scientifico: Prof. Giuseppe Politi - Prof. Angelo Pagano (INFN)
Luogo: ed. 6, piano terra, stanza T57

The laboratory is mainly devoted to the test and development of detection systems and associated electronics, to be used in experiments of nuclear physics at low and intermediate energies. The activities are performed for the upgrading of existing device and for the development of brand-new ones. In this framework a huge work is for example in progress for the conversion of the electronic chains of CHIMERA multidetector, with a passage from single end to differential signals, and with the use of a fully digital electronics and data acquisition system, as the one already operative on FARCOS multidetector. At the same time, a prototype for a new modular device for neutron and charged particle detector, based on new plastic scintillator type, is under study, as well as the development of new detectors based on Silicon Carbide to be used as tagging devices for in beam production of radioactive beams. Research line: Experimental physics of low and intermediate energies  


Vacuum chamber is mainly used to test particle and gamma detector of various type, operating in the dark and, if necessary, under vacuum. Pumping system, consisting in a root and a turbo-molecular pump, can reach in some tens of minute value of vacuum of the order or 10-4 mbar. Some flanges ensure the connection of detectors with electronic chains out of the chamber. Chamber is also used to test vacuum seal of customized flange realized on purpose. 
Various custom and commercial preamplifiers are available for different kind of devices as PMT, photodiodes, SiPM, Silicon and Silicon Carbide detectors. Several NIM, CAMAC and VME crates are available for modules like amplifier, discriminator, HV provider, analogic and time to digital converter, coupled to a data acquisition system. Two fully digital systems for signal conversion and acquisition (GET and FEBEX) are also operative, with the related software for signal analysis. 
A digital oscilloscope with very high performances in term of waveform analysis is commonly used to study the shape of signals provided by the different tested detection systems and the associated front-end electronics. These shapes can thus provide information about detector response (light production, electron/hole collection) and preamplifier treatment, both tuned with different aims, as signal to noise optimization or particle pulse shape discrimination.