Advisory board

In order to follow up on the European recommendations (European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, ESG), the DM 270, the recent ANVUR Guidelines, the Board of CLM in Physics established, in December 2018, an Advisory Board (AB) with the aim of having permanent periodic consultation from the business world, the world of Public Administration (PA), services, schools and research.

The AB is made up of:

It is possible to extend the AB to representatives of any other professional associations and companies.

The definition of the training project of the Master's degree in Physics and its subsequent implementations considers the opinions expressed by the representatives of the labour market and in particular by the members of the Advisory Board. In the planning of the Degree Course, results from a sector survey are particularly relevant, this was a study the Italian Physics Society (SIF) commissioned the company Deloitte to carry out to study the contribution to the Italian economy of the economic sectors based on physics by analyzing the ISTAT data of the four-year period 2008-2011.