Maria José LO FARO

Ricercatrice t.d. (art. 24 c.3-b L. 240/10) di FISICA DELLA MATERIA [FIS/03]

Maria Josè Lo Faro graduated in Physics of Condensed Matter cum laude at the University of Catania in 2013. She consolidated her experience in the field of nanostructures for integrated silicon photonics during her Ph.D. at the University of Catania. She was a visiting researcher at the Kastler-Brossel Lab (ENS-Paris), where she investigated light propagation in random media by wavefront shaping in S. Gigan’s group. In 2017, she was a Postdoc in the Institute for Chemical and Physical Processes (IPCF- CNR) in Messina working in the field of optical nanostructured biosensors and in 2018 she moved to the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM-CNR) in Catania, where she investigated the use of Si nanostructures for lasing. Since November 2018, she has been a research fellow at the Physics Dept. at UNICT, where she is currently working on synthesizing and characterizing functional luminescent materials.

Research interest:

My main research interest is the synthesis of silicon nanostructures realized through low-cost processes compatible with the Si industrial technology, aimed to control their optical and structural properties through the fine-tuning of their growth parameters (Semiconductor Science and Technology 2017). Special attention is paid to light management in disordered fractal systems to control their light scattering and emission according to their structure (Light Sci. Appl. 2016, Nat. Photonics 2017). My research activity is also focused on the study of quantum-confined nanostructures emitting at room temperature for integrated Si microphotonics applications (Scientific Reports 2015, Nano Letters 2019) by using photo, electro, and cathode-luminescence techniques. Indeed, I am also involved in the synthesis and characterization of visible-infrared multiwavelength light sources operating at room temperature by combining different functional materials (Nanomaterials 2018, Nanomaterials 2019) to be integrated with CMOS technology and whose optical response can be tuned by varying their fractal designs. My interest is also in the realization of low-cost, Si-based optical sensors based on luminescent functionalized platforms for the selective detection of proteins, DNA, and exosomes (ACS Photonics 2018, ACS Sensors 2018, Nanotechnology 2016). Recently, I have been studying the realization of optical nanomaterials for optical targeting and imaging for biomedical applications  (Nanomaterials 2019).


  • Researcher (RTD-B) in Condensed Matter Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Ettore Majorana" of the University of Catania
  • Associate to the Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems of the Council of National Research (CNR-IMM)
  • Collaborate with the NANI group led by Dr. Alessia Irrera of the Institute for Chemical and Physical Processes (CNR-IPCF) of Messina
  • Scopus Author ID 56974037400
  • ORCID 0000-0002-2067-1608 


  • 2017 – 2018 Post-Doc at the National Council of Research (CNR) – IMM Catania 
  • 2016 – 2017- Post-Doc at the National Council of Research (CNR) – IPCF Messina
  • 2017 – Ph.D. in Materials Science; title: “Silicon Nanowires the Route from Synthesis towards Applications”, Supervisor: Prof. F. Priolo, Dr. A. Irrera
  • 01/06 2016 - Visiting research student at the Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel - École Normale Supérieure (Paris) in the group of Prof. Sylvain Gigan
  • 2013 – Master degree in Physics at the University of Catania with full marks (110/110 cum laude) with the following thesis: “Innovative coaxial junction based on Si nanowires”.


2017 - awarded for her scientific achievements with the "Ida Ortalli" Award of the Italian Society of Physics (SIF) for young graduates in Physics

N.B. l'elevato numero di pubblicazioni può incidere sul tempo di caricamento della pagina

Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021

Anno accademico 2019/2020

Anno accademico 2018/2019

Il principale interesse della sua ricerca è la sintesi e caratterizzazione ottica e strutturale di nanostrutture di silicio volte alla comprensione delle condizioni che portino al controllo strutturale di tali nanostrutture realizzate tramite processi a basso costo e compatibili con i processi industriali. Una speciale attenzione è rivolta allo studio delle proprietà ottiche di emissione e scattering da nanostrutture di silicio frattali in relazione alle loro caratteristiche di disordine strutturale, quindi parte rilevante della sua attività di ricerca è focalizzata sull’emissione di luce a temperatura ambiente da nanostrutture di silicio confinate quanticamente per applicazioni in microfotonica. Si occupa della sintesi e caratterizzazione di sorgenti di luce multiriga visibile-infrarosso operanti a temperatura ambiente combinando diversi materiali integrabili nell'architettura frattale di nanostrutture in silicio mediante procedure a basso costo e compatibili con i processi su fetta di Si.

Coinvolgimento in attività di Terza Missione

Pint of Science

Sharper night

PLS - Progetto Lauree Scientifiche

2017 Famelab

Guida alle tesi di laurea

Disponibilità per la stesura di tesi su diversi temi di Fisica, in particolare sui seguenti argomenti:

  • Fisica Moderna
  • Struttura della Materia
  • Ottica (Fotonica e Plasmonica)
  • Nanostrutture

Disponibilità per la stesura di tesi magistrali sperimentali sulla sintesi e caratterizzazione strutturale ed ottica di materiali innovativi per diverse possibili applicazioni in micro e optoelettronica, sensoristica ed energia. Il lavoro di tesi verrà svolto su strumentazioni di avanguardia presso i laboratori del DFA ed in collaborazione con le sezioni del CNR IMM (Catania), il CNR IPCB (Catania) e del CNR IPCF (Messina).