Professore ordinario di FISICA SPERIMENTALE [FIS/01]

Professore ordinario di Fisica Sperimentale

02/A1 - FIS/01

Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum: Antonio Insolia
Prof. Antonio Insolia
Full Professor of Experimental Physics, since 2001
Born in Lentini (Italy) on January 12, 1952. Degree in Physics on July 1975, at the University of Catania with summa cum laude, with a Thesis in Nuclear Physics on “Pairing and Quarteting Correlations in Atomic Nuclei”. Lecturer of Laboratory of Physics and Nuclear Physics in 1978 at the University of Lecce, Assistant Professor in Nuclear Physics in 1982. Since February 1985, he is associate professor of Nuclear Physics at the Lecce University. In 1988 he moved from Lecce University to Catania University as associate professor.
Since November 2001 he is full professor of Experimental Physics, with current didactical activity as professor of General Physics for Physics students (first year) and Cosmic Ray Physics for Physics students (fifth year). He is also teaching High Energy Astrophysics for the students of the PhD School in Physics.
Member of the National Scientific Committee for Theoretical Physics of the INFN in the years 1989 - 1995.
Member of the National Scientific Committee for Astroparticle Physics of the INFN in the years 2006-2010.
Scientific Coordinator of the PhD School in Physics of the Catania University for about six years.
Director of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Catania University (January 2011 – December 2014).
Director of the Catania Division of the INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), July 2015 – July 2020.
Since the degree in Physics he has been working within INFN research projects. He has performed research activity in Nuclear Physics and, specifically in Nuclear Structure, radioactive nuclear decays (alpha decay and exotic decay) and two and four particle transfer reactions. The he has moved to intermediate and then relativistic ion physics within important international collaborations in the USA, like Transport, EOS and E896 Collaboration, mainly working on relativistic heavy ion collisions at Berkeley University (CA-USA) and at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (NY-USA). It is relevant to mention the measurement (within the Transport Collaboration at the BEVALAC, LBNL, USA) of a very large set of fragment production cross sections of interest in the study of very high energy cosmic ray propagation in the galactic and intergalactic medium and the first experimental evidence for a liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter, obtained within the EOS Collaboration at Berkeley. Since 1999 he is member of the Pierre Auger Collaboration, with specific responsibilities within the work going on with the Fluorescence Detector (calibration of the Fluorescence Telescopes), coordinating the cosmic ray research group in Catania.
He has promoted an international series of Conference (Cosmic Ray International Seminars - CRIS), since 1996 every second year, initially devoted to relativistic ion physics and since 2004 in the form of Cosmic Rays International Seminars. Next edition is planned in June 2018, jontly organized by Catania and Naples INFN Sections and by the Catania and Naples Universities.
He has published about 300 original research papers, Conference Proceedings as Editor and numerous contributions (invited talks, contributed papers, lectures) personally presented at international conferences of Physics and Schools.
He has translated into italian, from english, a well recognized treatise of University General Physics.
He is included into the ANVUR list for the ASN procedures and into the ANVUR list for the experst of evaluation for the new procedures of certification recently introduced in Italy for Bachelor’s Degree, Master Degree and PhD Schools.
The complete list of publications can easily obtained from the following link (Web of Science):
The current h-index is 50 (source: Web of Science, as by Nocember, 2020).
The total number of citation is about 11500 (source: Web of Science, as by Nocember, 2020).
He is Referee for the evaluation of national (PRIN, FIRB, Levi Montalcini,…) and international research projects (Italy, Germany, Russia,…).

N.B. l'elevato numero di pubblicazioni può incidere sul tempo di caricamento della pagina

Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021

Anno accademico 2019/2020

Anno accademico 2018/2019

Anno accademico 2017/2018

Anno accademico 2016/2017

Anno accademico 2015/2016

Since the degree in Physics he has been working within INFN research projects. He has performed research activity in Nuclear Physics and, specifically in Nuclear Structure, radioactive nuclear decays (alpha decay and exotic decay) and two and four particle transfer reactions. The he has moved to intermediate and then relativistic ion physics within important international collaborations in the USA, like Transport, EOS and E896 Collaboration, mainly working on relativistic heavy ion collisions at Berkeley University (CA-USA) and at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (NY-USA). It is relevant to mention the measurement (within the Transport Collaboration at the BEVALAC, LBNL, USA) of a very large set of fragment production cross sections of interest in the study of very high energy cosmic ray propagation in the galactic and intergalactic medium and the first experimental evidence for a liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter, obtained within the EOS Collaboration at Berkeley. Since 1999 he is member of the Pierre Auger Collaboration, with specific responsibilities within the work going on with the Fluorescence Detector (calibration of the Fluorescence Telescopes), coordinating the cosmic ray research group in Catania.
He has promoted an international series of Conference (Cosmic Ray International Seminars - CRIS), since 1996 every second year, initially devoted to relativistic ion physics and since 2004 in the form of Cosmic Rays International Seminars. Next edition is planned in June 2018, jontly organized by Catania and Naples INFN Sections and by the Catania and Naples Universities.
He has published about 300 original research papers, Conference Proceedings as Editor and numerous contributions (invited talks, contributed papers, lectures) personally presented at international conferences of Physics and Schools.

Guida alle tesi di laurea

tesi di laurea disponibili in Fisica dei raggi cosmici di altissima energia