Agata Scordino è nata a Catania il 21 agosto 1956. E' sposata ed ha una figlia.
1975 - Diploma di Maturità Classica presso Liceo Ginnasio M. Cutelli di Catania
1980 - Laurea in Fisica presso l'Università degli Studi di Catania
Dal 12.2.1985 al 31.10.2002 - Ricercatore Universitario presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’ Università di Catania.
Dal 1.11.2002 - Professore Associato di Fisica Sperimentale (prima) e di Fisica Applicata (dal 2016) presso l'Università degli Studi di Catania
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5012-1754
DATI GOOGLE SCHOLAR - Citazioni: 1676; Indice H: 25
E' nata a Catania il 21 agosto 1956. Sposata, con una figlia.
Laureata in Fisica nel 1980 all’Università di Catania, Dal 12.2.1985 al 31.10.2002 è stata Ricercatore Universitario di Fisica presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’ Università di Catania.
Dal 1.11.2002 è professore associato di Fisica Sperimentale (SSD FIS/01, SC 02/B1).
Dal 1.11.2016 è professore associato di Fisica Applicata (a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina) (SSD FIS/07, SC 02/D1)
Afferisce al Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Ettore Majorana" della Università di Catania.
Ha fatto parte del Collegio dei Docenti dei Dottorati di Ricerca dell'Università di Catania in:
- “Ingegneria Fisica” (2000 - 2009)
- “Biotecnologie” (2010 - 2015)
- “Sistemi complessi per le scienze fisiche, socio-economiche e della vita" dell'Università di Catania (2016-2019).
Interessi scientifici:
- Proprietà ottiche di superfici per la conversione fototermica dell’energia solare
- Studio teorico sull’interazione tra onde elettromagnetiche e superfici metalliche rugose
- Strutture periodiche in sorgenti di onde sub-millimetriche per applicazioni aerospaziali
- Emissione spontanea e fotoindotta di fotoni da sistemi viventi
- Luminescenza spontanea da biosistemi e comunicazione cellulare
- Luminescenza fotoindotta emessa da sistemi biologici: modello teorico e aspetti applicativi al controllo ambientale e alla qualità degli alimenti e delle sementi
- Sviluppo di strumentazione avanzata per la rivelazione della luminescenza
- Uso della luminescenza fotoindotta per investigare le strutture dell’acqua
- Applicazione della luminescenza fotoindotta nella diagnosi non invasiva di cellulle cancerogene
- Studio, mediante luminescenza ultradebole, degli effetti di radiazioni ionizzanti su materiale biologico
L’attività scientifica è stata condotta in collaborazione con numerosi ricercatori, anche stranieri, ed è testimoniata da 163 lavori a stampa su riviste e volumi internazionali e da 172 contributi a congressi, nonché da relazioni su invito presso:
- Istituto di Biofisica Cellulare del Centro di Ricerca di Pushchino (Mosca, Russia, 2000);
- International Workshop on ENERGY AND INFORMATION TRANSFER IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: How Physics Could Enrich Biological Understanding (Acireale, Catania, 2002);
- NATO Advanced Research Workshop on “Molecular Self-Organization in Micro-, Nano,and Macro Dimensions: from Molecules to Water, to Nanoparticles, DNA and Proteins” (Kyiv, Ukraine, 2008);
- 6° Material’s Day (Rostock, Germany, 2010);
- Ultra-weak Photon Emission From Living Systems – from mechanism to application conference (Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2013);
- International Institute of Life Energy summer school “The cycle of life” (Wietow, Germany, 2017)
- Convegno “Biofotoni ed energia per la vita” (Firenze, Italia, 2017)
- 103° Congresso Nazionale Societa' Italiana di Fisica (2017, Trento, Italy)
- 5th International Symposium “Biophysical Aspects of Complexity in Health and Disease.” (October, 2018, Milan, Italy)
Ha partecipato a numerosi progetti di ricerca, tra i quali:
- progetto ISR-2 “Sistemi di rivelazione dell’inquinamento delle acque mediante biosensori enzimatici e misure di radiazione ultradebole” nell’ambito del CLUSTER 11 – Ambiente e Territorio finanziato dal MIUR nell’ambito del potenziamento delle reti di ricerca delle aree depresse;
- Progetto "DELOS - DElayed Luminescence for Optical Screening“ finanziato nell’ambito del gruppo V dell’INFN presso il LNS-INFN.
- POR Sicilia 2000-2006. Misura 3.15 sottoazione C. Progetto: “Analisi dell’inquinamento delle acque mediante fotoluminescenza”, implementazione del sistema BioSinFo (BIOluminescenza di SINgolo FOtone)
- Progetto PRIN 2008 “Studio di modelli in vitro di tumori tiroidei che overesprimono il recettore per la transferina-I mediante una nuova tecnica spettroscopica basata sulla luminescenza fotoindotta" nell’ambito del progetto "Il recettore per la transferina di tipo I: un potenziale biomarker per nuove strategie diagnostiche e terapeutiche nei tumori della tiroide".
- Progetto "ETHICS – Pre-clinical experimental and theoretical studies to improve treatment and protection by charged particles “ finanziato nell’ambito del gruppo V dell’INFN (2016-2018).
E’ stata
- Responsabile Scientifico dei progetti di ricerca “ Fotoluminescenza a tempi lunghi: applicazioni alla biofisica”, e “Interazione campi elettromagnetici e sistemi biologici”, finanziati quale Ricerca di Ateneo
- Responsabile Scientifico e tutor di un Assegno di Ricerca biennale, bandito dalla Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Catania, connesso al progetto di ricerca “Aspetti modellistici ed applicativi della luminescenza ultra-debole foto-indotta emessa a tempi lunghi da sistemi biologici”.
- Responsabile Scientifico e tutor della Borsa di Studio annuale, bandita dal CSFNSM, connessa al progetto di ricerca “Studio di un anodo resistivo da utilizzare in imaging on line”.
- Principal Investigator del progetto “Organizzazione e dinamica coerente dell'acqua liquida” finanziato su bando FIR 2014 dall’Università di Catania
- Responsabile locale, per l’unità dei Laboratori Nazionali del Sud LNS-INFN, del progetto di ricerca ETHICS.
- Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
- Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia (CSFNSM)
- Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud dell' Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (LNS-INFN)
- Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata (SIBPA)
- Società Europea di Fotobiologia (ESP)
- Società Italiana di Fisica (SIF)
LAVORI A STAMPA (a partire dal 2000)
- M.W.HO, A.TRIGLIA, F.MUSUMECI, A.SCORDINO - Changes in membrane potential and delayed luminescence of Acetabularia acetabulum - Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology B 55 (1), 70-73 (2000) - doi:10.1016/S1011-1344(00)00033-6
- A.SCORDINO, A.TRIGLIA, F.MUSUMECI - Analougus features of delayed luminescence from Acetabularia acetabulum and some solid state systems - Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology B56 (2-3), 181-186 (2000) - doi:10.1016/S1011-1344(00)00078-6
- L.BRIZHIK, F.MUSUMECI, A.SCORDINO, A.TRIGLIA - The soliton mechanism of the delayed luminescence of biological systems - Europhysics Letters 52 (2), 238-244 (2000) – DOI: 10.1209/epl/i2000-00429-5
- F.MUSUMECI, A.SCORDINO, A.TRIGLIA – Delayed Luminescence and structure of simple biological systems – in: Biophotons and Coherent Systems, L.Belousov, F.A.Popp, V.Voeikov and R.van Wijk Eds – Moscow University Press, 141-150 (2000) – ISBN 5-211-04313-8
- L.BRIZHIK, A.SCORDINO, A.TRIGLIA, F.MUSUMECI – Delayed luminescence of biological systems arising from correlated many-soliton states – Physical Review E 64, 031902 (9 pag) (2001) – DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.64.031902
- M.W. HO, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, A. TRIGLIA, G. PRIVITERA - Delayed luminescence from bovine Achilles’ tendon and its dependence on collagen structure - Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology B 66 (3), 165-170 (2002) - doi:10.1016/S1011-1344(02)00239-7
- S. TUDISCO, F. MUSUMECI , A. SCORDINO, G. PRIVITERA - Advanced research equipment for fast ultraweak luminescence analysis – Review of Scientific Instruments 74(10) ,4485-4490 (2003) – DOI: 10.1063/1.1611997
- L. BRIZHIK, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, M. TEDESCO, A. TRIGLIA – Nonlinear dependence of the delayed luminescence yield on the intensity of irradiation in the framework of a correlated soliton model – Physical Review E67, 021902 (7 pag), (2003) (selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research vol.5, issue 4, February 15, 2003) – DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.021902
- F. MUSUMECI, G. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, M. TEDESCO, A. TRIGLIA, S. TUDISCO - Solid State Approach In Biophoton Research – Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 41, 431-439 (2003)
- BRIZHIK L.S., MUSUMECI F., SCORDINO A., TEDESCO M., TRIGLIA A. - Delayed Luminescence from Biological Systems within the Davydov Soliton Model - Ukrainian Journal of Physics 48 (7), 699-703 (2003)
- A. SCORDINO, A. TRIGLIA, F. MUSUMECI – Delayed Luminescence and cells structure organization – in : ENERGY AND INFORMATION TRANSFER IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: How Physics Could Enrich Biological Understanding , F. Musumeci, L. Brizhik and M.W. Ho Eds - World Scientific, Singapore (2003) pp. 264-292 – ISBN 981-238-419-7
- S. TUDISCO, F. MUSUMECI , A. SCORDINO, G. PRIVITERA - A new Advanced Research Equipment for fasT Ultraweak luminescence Analysis (ARETUSA) – in : ENERGY AND INFORMATION TRANSFER IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: How Physics Could Enrich Biological Understanding , F. Musumeci, L. Brizhik and M.W. Ho Eds - World Scientific, Singapore (2003) pp. 308-318 – ISBN 981-238-419-7
- F. MUSUMECI , A. SCORDINO, A. TRIGLIA, S.CARRUBBA, G. PRIVITERA, M. TEDESCO, S. TUDISCO, L. BRIZHIK, M.W. HO, H. NIGGLI - Advances in delayed luminescence studies in biophysical investigation – 4th European Biophysics Congress Eurobiophysics 2003 (Alicante, Spain, July 5-9, 2003) - European Biophysics Journal 32 (3), 312 (2003)
- S. TUDISCO, F. MUSUMECI , A. SCORDINO, G. PRIVITERA, A new equipment for fast ultraweak luminescence analysis developed in the frame of DELOS project – LNS-INFN Activity Report 2002 - pp.187-191 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2003)
- S. TUDISCO, A. SCORDINO, G. PRIVITERA, I. BARAN, F. MUSUMECI – ARETUSA - Advanced research equipment for fast ultraweak luminescence analysis: new developments – Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 518, 463-464 (2004) – DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2003.11.056
- I. BARAN, C. LOPRESTI, F. MUSUMECI, G. PRIVITERA, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, V. BARAN, G.A.P. CIRRONE, L. RAFFAELE, L. VALASTRO – Radiation effects on cell proliferation - Roumanian Biotechnological Letters 9 (5), 1853-1870 (2004)
- GULINO M., BELLIA P., CARRUBBA S., FALCIGLIA F., MUSUMECI F., SCORDINO A., TRIGLIA A. - Influence of static and low frequency magnetic field on growth curve of Saccharomyces cerevisiae – in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, P. Kostarakis Ed. - Volume I, pp. 128-132 (2004) – ISBN 960-233-151-8
- FINOCCHIARO, P.; COSENTINO, L.; FALLICA, G.; LOMBARDO, S.L.; MAZZILLO, M.; MUSUMECI, F.; PIAZZA, A.; PRIVITERA, G.; PRIVITERA, S.; RIMINI, E.; SANFILIPPO, D.; SCIACCA, E.; SCORDINO, A.; TUDISCO, S.;- Test of scintillator readout with single photon avalanche photodiodes - Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2004 IEEE, Volume 2: 1274 – 1278 (2004)
- LEE ANN APPLEGATE, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, HUGO J. NIGGLI, GIUSEPPE PRIVITERA, AGATA SCORDINO AND SALVATORE TUDISCO - DL spectral analysis of epithelial cells - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2003 – pp. 166-168 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2004)
- IRINA BARAN, VIRGIL BARAN, F.MUSUMECI, G. PRIVITERA , A. SCORDINO AND S.TUDISCO - Relation between Delayed Luminescence and cytoskeleton state in yeast cells - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2003 – pp.169-171 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2004)
- H.J. NIGGLI, S. TUDISCO, G. PRIVITERA, L. A. APPLEGATE, A. SCORDINO, F. MUSUMECI - Laser-Ultraviolet-A induced ultraweak photon emission in mammalian cells – Journal of Biomedical Optics 10 (2), 024006 (6 pag) (2005) – DOI: 10.1117/1.1899185
- F. MUSUMECI, L. A. APPLEGATE, G. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, H. J. NIGGLI - Spectral analysis of laser-induced ultraweak delayed luminescence in cultured normal and tumor cells: Temperature dependence – Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology B 79(2), 93-99 (2005) – DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2004.12.002
- F. MUSUMECI, G. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, C. LO PRESTI, L. A. APPLEGATE, H. J. NIGGLI - Discrimination between normal and cancer cells by using spectral analysis of delayed luminescence – Applied Physics Letters 86 (15), 153902 (3 pag) (2005) [selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research vol 9, issue 8, April 15, 2005], [reviewed on Biophotonics International vol 12 (6) p.46, June 2005] – DOI: 10.1063/1.1900317
- GULINO M., BELLIA P., FALCIGLIA F., MUSUMECI F., PAPPALARDO A., SCORDINO A., TRIGLIA A. – Role of water content in dielectric properties and delayed luminescence of bovine Achilles’ tendon – FEBS Letters 579 (27), 6101-6104 (2005) – DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2005.09.077
- P. FINOCCHIARO, A. CAMPISI, D. CORSO, L. COSENTINO, G. FALLICA, S. LOMBARDO, M. MAZZILLO, F. MUSUMECI, A. PIAZZA, G. PRIVITERA, S. PRIVITERA, E. RIMINI, D. SANFILIPPO, E. SCIACCA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO - Test of Scintillator Readout with Single Photon Avalanche Photodiodes – IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52 (6), 3040-3046 (2005) - DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2005.862912
- S. TUDISCO, L. COSENTINO, A. CAMPISI, P. FINOCCHIARO, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. PAPPALARDO, A. SCORDINO, G. FALLICA, D. SANFILIPPO, J. VAN ERPS, M. VERVAEKE, B. VOLCKAERTS, P. VYNCK, A. HERMANNE, H. THIENPONT - A single photon spectrometer for biomedical applications - in: Novel Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical Applications II; Christian D. Depeursinge Ed., Proceedings of SPIE 5864, 58640P (10 pages) (Sep. 1, 2005) – DOI: 10.1117/12.633054 - SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
- F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, S. PRIVITERA, L.A. APPLEGATE, H.J. NIGGLI - Spectral analysis of delayed luminescence as a tool to discriminate between normal and cancer skin cells – in: Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine III, Mary-Ann Mycek Ed., Proceedings of SPIE 5862, 58620W (9 pages) (Oct. 7, 2005) – DOI: 10.1117/12.633037 - SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
- HUGO J. NIGGLI, SALVATORE TUDISCO, GIUSEPPE PRIVITERA, LEE ANN APPLEGATE, AGATA SCORDINO AND FRANCESCO MUSUMECI – Laser-Ultraviolet-A induced biophotonic emission in cultured mammalian cells – in: Biophotonics: Optical Science and Engineering for the 21st Century, X. Shen and R. Van Wijk Eds., Springer (2005) XVIII, pp. 185-194 - ISBN: 978-0-387-24995-7 -DOI: 10.1007/0-387-24996-6_14
- GULINO M., BELLIA P., FALCIGLIA F., MUSUMECI F., PAPPALARDO A., SCORDINO A., TRIGLIA A., HO M.W., BRIZHIK L. - Dielectric Spectroscopy and Delayed Luminescence measurements in dehydrated bovine Achilles’ tendon – 15th IUPAB & 5th EBSA International Biophysics Congress (Montpellier, France, Aug. 27 - Sept. 01, 2005) - European Biophysics Journal 34 (6), 688 (2005)
- F.MUSUMECI, A.SCORDINO, S.TUDISCO, S.PRIVITERA - Delayed luminescence as a tool to discriminate between normal and cancer skin cells - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2004 – pp. 205-207 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2005)
- S. TUDISCO, L. COSENTINO, G. FALLICA, P. FINOCCHIARO. A. HERMANNE, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, D. SANFILIPPO, G. PRIVITERA, S. PRIVITERA, H. THIENPONT, M. VERVAEKE, B. VOLCKAERTS, P. VYNCK – SINPHOS – SINgle PHOton Spectrometer for biomedical applications – Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplemets) 150, 317-320 (2006) - doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2004.11.391
- P. FINOCCHIARO, A. CAMPISI, L. COSENTINO, A. PAPPALARDO, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, G. FALLICA, D. SANFILIPPO, M. MAZZILLO, A. PIAZZA, J. VAN ERPS, M. VERVAEKE, B. VOLCKAERTS, P. VYNCK, A. HERMANNE, H. THIENPONT, S. LOMBARDO, E. SCIACCA - A new generation of low-voltage single-photon micro-sensors with timing capability - Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 567, 83-88 (2006) – DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.05.216
- MAE-WAN HO, ZHOU YU-MING, JULIAN HAFFEGEE, ANDY WATTON, FRANCO MUSUMECI, GIUSEPPE PRIVITERA, AGATA SCORDINO AND ANTONIO TRIGLIA - The liquid crystalline organism and biological water – in: Water and the Cell, G.H. Pollack, I.L. Cameron and D.N. Wheatley, Eds., Springer (2006), pp.219–234 - ISBN: 978-1-4020-4926-2
- P.FINOCCHIARO, ,A.CAMPISI, L.COSENTINO, A.PAPPALARDO, F.MUSUMECI, S.PRIVITERA, A.SCORDINO, S.TUDISCO, G.FALLICA, D.SANFILIPPO, M.MAZZILLO,A.PIAZZA, J.VAN ERPS, M.VERVAEKE, B.VOLCKAERTS, P.VYNCKD,A.HERMANNE, H.THIENPONT, S.LOMBARDO, E.SCIACCA - A new generation of low-voltage single photon micro-sensors with timing capability - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2005 – pp.116-119 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2006)
- F.MUSUMECI, L. LANZANO’, S.PRIVITERA , S.TUDISCO, A.SCORDINO- Delayed luminescence, UVA induced, in human skin in vivo - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2005 – pp. 238-240 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2006)
- P. FINOCCHIARO, A. CAMPISI, L. COSENTINO, A. PAPPALARDO, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, G. FALLICA, D. SANFILIPPO, M. MAZZILLO, A. PIAZZA, J. VAN ERPS, S. VAN OVERMEIRE, M. VERVAEKE , B. VOLCKAERTS , P. VYNCK, A. HERMANNES, H.THIENPONT, S. LOMBARDO, E. SCIACCA – SPAD arrays and micro-optics: towards a real single photon spectrometer – Journal of Modern Optics 54 (2-3), 199-212 (2007) - DOI: 10.1080/09500340600769901
- A. CAMPISI, L. COSENTINO, P. FINOCCHIARO, A. PAPPALARDO, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, G. FALLICA, D. SANFILIPPO, M. MAZZILLO, G. CONDORELLI, A. PIAZZA, G. VALVO, S. LOMBARDO, E. SCIACCA, G. BONANNO, M. BELLUSO - Multipixel geiger-mode photon detectors for ultra-weak light sources - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 571 (1-2), 350-354 (2007) – DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.10.107
- LUCA LANZANÒ, AGATA SCORDINO, SIMONA PRIVITERA, SALVATORE TUDISCO, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI - Spectral analysis of delayed luminescence from human skin as a possible non-invasive diagnostic tool – European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 36 (7), 823-829 (2007) - DOI 10.1007/s00249-007-0156-0 – ISSN 0175-7571 (Print) 1432-1017 (Online)
- S. TUDISCO, S. PRIVITERA, L. LANZANO’, F. MUSUMECI, A. PLUCHINO, A. SCORDINO, L. COSENTINO, P. FINOCCHIARO, G. CONDORELLI, M. MAZZILLO, S. LOMBARDO AND E. SCIACCA - The new generation of SPAD—Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes arrays - Il Nuovo Cimento C 30 (5), 535-542 (2007) - DOI: 10.1393/ncc/i2008-10266-8
- HUGO J. NIGGLI, SALVATORE TUDISCO, GIUSEPPE PRIVITERA, LEE ANN APPLEGATE, AGATA SCORDINO AND FRANCO MUSUMECI- News and Views in UVA-laser induced ultraweak delayed luminescence of cultured mammalian cells –in: Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology, L.V. Beloussov, V.L. Voeikov, and V.S. Martynyuk Eds., Spinger (2007) pp. 129-137 - ISBN: 978-0-387-28378-4 – DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-28417-0-10
- S. TUDISCO; S. PRIVITERA; F. MUSUMECI; L. LANZANÒ; A. SCORDINO; A. CAMPISI; L. COSENTINO; G. CONDORELLI; P. FINOCCHIARO; S. LOMBARDO; M. MAZZILLO; E. SCIACCA - A single photon avalanche detector: SPAD – in: Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications II, Ali Serpengüzel; Gonçal Badenes; Giancarlo C. Righini, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE 6593, 65932C (5 pages) – DOI: 10.1117/12.729204 – ISBN: 9780819467218 (May 28, 2007) - SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
- S. TUDISCO; S. PRIVITERA; F. MUSUMECI; L. LANZANÒ; A. SCORDINO; A. CAMPISI; L. COSENTINO; P. FINOCCHIARO; G. FALLICA; S. LOMBARDO; M. MAZZILLO; D. SANFILIPPO; E. SCIACCA; G. VALVO - A new generation of SPAD: single photon avalanche diodes – in: Third European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, A. Cutolo, B. Culshaw, S. M. Lopez-Higuera, Editors – Proceedings of SPIE 6619, 66193N (4 pages) - DOI: 10.1117/12.738659 – ISBN: 9780819467614 (July 4, 2007) - SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
- G. PRIVITERA, S. TUDISCO, L. LANZANO’, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, D. TUDISCO; M. MAZZILLO; G. CONDORELLI - Single photon spectrometer for biomedical application: new developments – in: Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine IV, Dietrich Schweitzer; Maryann Fitzmaurice, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE 6628, 66281B (9 pages) - DOI:10.1117/12.727781 - ISBN: 9780819467720 (July 6, 2007) SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
- F. MUSUMECI, L. LANZANO’, S. PRIVITERA, S. TUDISCO, A. SCORDINO - Spectral analysis of photoinduced delayed luminescence from human skin in vivo – in: Biophotonics 2007: Optics in Life Science, Jürgen Popp; Gert von Bally, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE 6633, 66331K (8 pages) - DOI: 10.1117/12.727696 - ISBN: 9780819467775 – ISSN: 0277-786X (July 28, 2007) - SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
- S. TUDISCO, L. LANZANO’. F. MUSUMECI, G. PRIVITERA, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, D. TUDISCO - MUSES: MUlti SEnsors Sphere - in: Biophotonics 2007: Optics in Life Science, Jürgen Popp; Gert von Bally, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE 6633, 66331Q (9 pages) - DOI: 10.1117/12.728004 - ISBN: 9780819467775 – ISSN: 0277-786X (Juy. 28, 2007) - SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
- A.CAMPISI, L.COSENTINO, P.FINOCCHIARO, A.PAPPALARDO, F.MUSUMECI, S.PRIVITERA, A.SCORDINO, S.TUDISCO, G.FALLICA, D.SANFILIPPO, M.MAZZILLO, G.CONDORELLI, A.PIAZZA, G.VALVO, S.LOMBARDO, E.SCIACCA, G.BONANNO, M.BELLUSO - Single photons avalanche diodes arrays: a new detector for ultra weak light sources - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2006 pp. 122-125 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2007)
- S.PRIVITERA, S.TUDISCO, F.MUSUMECI, L.LANZANÒ, A.SCORDINO, A.CAMPISI, L.COSENTINO, P.FINOCCHIARO, S.LOMBARDO, M.MAZZILLO, E.SCIACCA - Single photon avalanche diodes: new developments - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2006 pp. 126-129 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2007)
- L.LANZANÒ, A.SCORDINO, S.PRIVITERA, S.TUDISCO AND F.MUSUMECI - Spectral analysis of delayed luminescence from human skin as a possible non-invasive diagnostic tool - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2006 pp. 204-207 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2007)
- EVELINA COSTANZO, MARISA GULINO, LUCA LANZANÒ, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, AGATA SCORDINO, SALVATORE TUDISCO, LI SUI - Single seed viability checked by Delayed Luminescence - European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 37 (2), 235-238 (2008) - DOI : 10.1007/s00249-007-0221-8 - ISSN 0175-7571 (Print) 1432-1017 (Online)
- HUGO J. NIGGLI, SALVATORE TUDISCO, LUCA LANZANÒ, LEE ANN APPLEGATE, AGATA SCORDINO and FRANCO MUSUMECI - Laser-Ultraviolet-A induced ultraweak photon emission in human skin cells: A biophotonic comparision between keratinocytes and fibroblasts - Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 46 (5), 358-363 (2008)
- LUCA LANZANÒ, ROSARIA GRASSO, MARISA GULINO, PAOLO BELLIA, FILIPPO FALCIGLIA, AGATA SCORDINO, SALVATORE TUDISCO, ANTONIO TRIGLIA, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI - Corresponding Measurements of Delayed Luminescence and Impedance Spectroscopy on Acupuncture Points - Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 46 (5), 364-370 (2008)
- A. SCORDINO, F. MUSUMECI, M. GULINO, L. LANZANÒ, S. TUDISCO, L. SUI, R. GRASSO, A. TRIGLIA – Delayed luminescence of microalgae as indicator of metal toxicity – Journal of Physics D – Applied Physics 41 (15), 155507 (7pp) (2008) - DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/41/15/155507
- S. TUDISCO, F. MUSUMECI, L. LANZANÒ, A. SCORDINO, S. PRIVITERA, A. CAMPISI, L. COSENTINO, G. CONDORELLI, P. FINOCCHIARO, G. FALLICA, S. LOMBARDO, M. MAZZILLO, D. SANFILIPPO, E. SCIACCA - A new generation of SPAD – Single Photon Avalanche Diodes - IEEE Sensors Journal 8 (7), 1324 - 1329 (2008) - DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2008.926962
- G. PRIVITERA, L. LANZANO’, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, F. MUSUMECI, D. MARGARONE and L. TORRISI - Time resolved analysis of the visible light emitted by laser produced plasma - Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 163 (4-6), 545-550 (2008) – DOI: 10.1080/10420150701780797
- L. NERI, S.TUDISCO, L. LANZANÒ, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, G. CONDORELLI, G. FALLICA, M. MAZZILLO, D. SANFILIPPO, G. VALVO - SPID-Single Photon Imaging device – in: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy III, D.A. Dorn and A.D. Holland Eds, Proceedings of SPIE 7021, 702129 (11 pages) - DOI:10.1117/12.791013 -ISBN: 9780819472311 - ISSN: 0277-786X (July 22, 2008)- SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
- NERI L, TUDISCO S, LANZANO’ L, MUSUMECI F, PRIVITERA S, SCORDINO A, CONDORELLI G, FALLICA G, MAZZILLO M, DANFILIPPO D, VALVO G – Spid-single photon imaging device - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2007 pp. 123-126 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2008)
- BARAN I, GANEA C, MUSUMECI F, TUDISCO S, SCORDINO A, PRIVITERA S, LANZANO’ L, GRASSO R, SUI L, BARAN V – Effects of bioflavonoid quercetin on delayed luminescence of hydrogen peroxide-treated yeast cells - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2007 pp. 199-201 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2008)
- BARAN I, GANEA C, MUSUMECI F, TUDISCO S, SCORDINO A, PRIVITERA S, LANZANO’ L, BARAN V – Effects of the antimithotic drug nocodazole on cell proliferation and delayed luminescence of yeast cells - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2007 pp. 202-205 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2008)
- M. GULINO, T. ABE, E. COSTANZO, G. CUTTONE, G.A.P. CIRRONE, G. DE LUCA, C. LEONARDI, P. LOJACONO, R. GRASSO, T. KAMBARA, L. LANZANÒ, F. MUSUMECI, G. PRIVITERA, H. RYUTO, F. ROMANO, A. SCORDINO, A. TRIBULATO - Ion beam irradiation system for biological samples - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2007 pp.213-214 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2008)
- LUCA LANZANÒ, LI SUI, EVELINA COSTANZO, MARISA GULINO, AGATA SCORDINO, SALVATORE, TUDISCO, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI - Time-resolved spectral measurements of delayed luminescence from a single soybean seed: effects of thermal damage and correlation with germination performance – Luminescence 24 (6), 409-415 (2009)- DOI 10.1002/bio.1127
- I. BARAN, C. GANEA, I. URSU, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, S. PRIVITERA, L. LANZANÒ, E. KATONA, V. BARAN, G.A.P. CIRRONE, G. CUTTONE, L. RAFFAELE, L.M. VALASTRO - Effects of nocodazole and ionizing radiation on cell proliferation and delayed luminescence – Romanian Journal of Physics 54, 557-567 (2009)– ISSN 1221-146X
- S.TUDISCO, L.LANZANÒ, F.MUSUMECI, L.NERI, S.PRIVITERA, A.SCORDINO, G.CONDORELLI, G.FALLICA, M.MAZZILLO, D.SANFILIPPO, G.VALVO - Bidimensional arrays of spad for time resolved single photon imaging - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 610 (1), 138-141 (2009) ISSN: 0168-9002, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.05.164
- SCORDINO A., R.GRASSO, M. GULINO, L. LANZANO, F. MUSUMECI, G. PRIVITERA, M. TEDESCO, A. TRIGLIA, L. BRIZHIK (2009). Hydration effects on photophysival properties of collagen. In: Self Organization of Molecular Systems: from Molecules and Clusters to Nanotubes and Proteins, N. Russo, V.Ya. Antonchenko And E.S. Kryachko Eds.- NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology vol. XIV, p. 359-383, DORDRECHT: Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-2483-1 - ISSN: 1874-6489 - doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-2590-6_17
- SCORDINO A., F.FALCIGLIA, M.GULINO, R.GRASSO, L.LANZANÒ, F.MUSUMECI, A.TRIGLIA, S.TUDISCO (2009). Water domains investigated by delayed luminescence. In: VII European Biopyisics Congress EBSA 2009. Genova, Italy, July 11-15, 2009 - European Biophysics Journal 38 (Suppl 1), S126 (2009)
- M.GULINO, R.GRASSO, L.LANZANÒ, A.SCORDINO, A.TRIGLIA, S. TUDISCO AND F.MUSUMECI - Delayed luminescence of aqueous ionic solutions - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2008 pp.219-222 ISSN 1827-1561 (2009)
- M. GULINO, T. ABE, E. COSTANZO, G. CUTTONE, G.A.P. CIRRONE, G. DI ROSA, C. LEONARDI, R. GRASSO, T. KAMBARA, L. LANZANÒ, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, H.RYUTO, F. ROMANO, A. SCORDINO, A. TRIBULATO - Ion beam application in the enhancement of biodiversity - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2008 pp.223-225 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2009)
- N.GAMBINO, G.PRIVITERA, L.LANZANÒ, F.MUSUMECI, S.PRIVITERA, A.SCORDINO, S.TUDISCO – Status of MUSES-Multi SEnsors Sphere- LNS-INFN Activity Report 2008 pp.238-241 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2009)
- L.NERI, S.TUDISCO, L.LANZANÒ, F.MUSUMECI, S.PRIVITERA, A.SCORDINO, G.CONDORELLI, G.FALLICA, M.MAZZILLO, D.SANFILIPPO, G.VALVO - Arrival time and position identification of single photons with SPAD arrays - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2008 pp.246-249 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2009)
- L. NERI, S. TUDISCO, L. LANZANÒ, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, SCORDINO A., G. CONDORELLI, G. FALLICA, M. MAZZILLO, D. SANFILIPPO, G. VALVO - Design and characterization of single photon avalanche diodes arrays. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 617 (1-3), 432-433 (2010) ISSN: 0168-9002, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.06.085
- Agata SCORDINO, Rosaria GRASSO, Marisa GULINO, Luca LANZANO', Francesco MUSUMECI, Giuseppe PRIVITERA Maurizio TEDESCO, Antonio TRIGLIA and Larissa BRIZHIK - Delayed luminescence from collagen as arising from soliton and small polaron states - International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 110 (1), 221-229 (2010) DOI 10.1002/qua.22010
- M.GULINO, R.GRASSO, L.LANZANÒ, A.SCORDINO, A.TRIGLIA, S. TUDISCO, F. MUSUMECI - Lifetime of Low-Density Water domains in salt solutions by time-resolved Delayed Luminescence – Chemical Physics Letters 497 (1-3), 99-102 (2010) doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2010.07.100
- Lorenzo NERI, Salvatore TUDISCO, Francesco MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, Giorgio FALLICA, M MAZZILLO, and Massimo ZIMBONE - Deadtime Causes and Correction Method for SPAD devices – Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 086102 (2010) doi:10.1063/1.3476317 (3 pages)
- I.BARAN, C.GANEA, A.SCORDINO, F.MUSUMECI, V.BARRESI, S.TUDISCO, S.PRIVITERA, R.GRASSO, D.F.CONDORELLI, V.BARAN, E.KATONA, M-M.MOCANU, M.GULINO, R.UNGUREANU, M.SURCEL, C.URSACIUC - Effects of menadione, hydrogen peroxide and quercetin on apoptosis and delayed luminescence of human leukemia Jurkat T-cells - Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 58, 169-179 (2010) DOI: 10.1007/s12013-010-9104-1
- L. NERI, S. TUDISCO, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, G. FALLICA, M. MAZZILLO, M. ZIMBONE - Generalization of DT equations for time dependent sources – Sensors 10 (12), 10828-10836 (2010) doi:10.3390/s101210828
- L. NERI, S. TUDISCO, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, G. FALLICA, M. MAZZILLO, M. ZIMBONE - On spad devices deadtime - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2009 pp.112-115 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2010)
- N. GAMBINO, A. ANZALONE, R. ANZALONE, A. BONANNO, S. GAMMINO,.D. MASCALI, R. MIRACOLI, F. MUSUMECI,D. LEANZA, R. GRASSO, L. NERI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, A. SPITALERI, S. TUDISCO - Studies of astrophysical plasmas in laboratory by laser ablation - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2009 pp.166-169 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2010)
- M. GULINO, T. ABE, S. CHERUBINI, E. COSTANZO, G. CUTTONE G.A.P. CIRRONE, C. LEONARDI, P. LOJACONO, R. GRASSO, T. KAMBARA, L. LANZANÒ, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, H. RYUTO, F. ROMANO, A. SCORDINO, A. TRIBULATO - First results from heavy-ion beams irradiation facility at LNS-INFN - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2009 pp.221-223 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2010)
- I. BARAN, C. GANEA, A. SCORDINO, F. MUSUMECI, V. BARRESI, S. TUDISCO, S. PRIVITERA, R. GRASSO, D. F. CONDORELLI, I. URSU, V. BARAN, E. KATONA, M. M. MOCANU, M. GULINO, R. UNGUREANU, M. SURCEL, C. URSACIUC - Correlation between delayed luminescence and oxidative stress-induced apoptosis in human leukaemia jurkat t-cells - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2009 pp.242-245 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2010)
- I. BARAN, C. GANEA, A. SCORDINO, V. BARRESI, F. MUSUMECI, S. TUDISCO, S. PRIVITERA, R. GRASSO, D. F. CONDORELLI, I. URSU, V. BARAN, E. KATONA, M. M. MOCANU, R. UNGUREANU, N. MUSSO, M. GULINO, G. A. PABLO CIRRONE, G. CUTTONE, L. M. VALASTRO - Apoptosis, cell cycle and delayed luminescence of human leukemia jurkat t-cells under proton-irradiation and oxidative stress conditions - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2009 pp.246-249 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2010)
- L. NERI, S. TUDISCO, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, G. FALLICA, M. MAZZILLO, M. ZIMBONE - Dead Time of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes - Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 215, 291-293 (2011) doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2011.04.034
- TUDISCO, S., MASCALI, D. , GAMBINO, N., ANZALONE, A., GAMMINO, S., MUSUMECI, F., SCORDINO, A., SPITALERI, A. - Investigation of laser-produced aluminum plasma - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 653 (1), 47-51 (2011) doi:10.1016/j.nima.2011.02.006 – IP2010: 1.142
- L.NERI, S.TUDISCO, F.MUSUMECI, A.SCORDINO, G.FALLICA, M.MAZZILLO, M.ZIMBONE - Dead time equations for time dependent sources - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2010 pp.172-175 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2011)
- M.GULINO, R.GRASSO, S. PRIVITERA, L.LANZANÒ, A.SCORDINO, A.TRIGLIA, F.MUSUMECI - DL measurements and water structures - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2010 pp.218-221 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2011)
- A.SCORDINO, T.ABE, S.CHERUBINI, G.A.P.CIRRONE, E.COSTANZO, G.CUTTONE, R.GRASSO, T.KAMBARA, C.LEONARDI, F.MUSUMECI, S.PRIVITERA, H.RYUTO, F.ROMANO, A.TRIBULATO, A.TRIGLIA, M.GULINO - Effects of ion irradiation on mung bean growth - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2010 pp.222-225 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2011)
- F. MUSUMECI, R. GRASSO, L. LANZANÒ, A. SCORDINO, A. TRIGLIA, S. TUDISCO and M. GULINO - Delayed luminiscence: a novel tecnique to get new insights into water structure – Journal of Biological Physics 38, 181-195 (2012) – DOI: 10.1007/s10867-011-9245-5 - IP2010: 1.373
- IRINA BARAN, CONSTANTA GANEA, SIMONA PRIVITERA, AGATA SCORDINO, VINCENZA BARRESI, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, MARIA MAGDALENA MOCANU, DANIELE F. CONDORELLI, IOAN URSU, ROSARIA GRASSO, MARISA GULINO, ALEXANDRU GARAIMAN, NICOLÒ MUSSO, GIUSEPPE A.PABLO CIRRONE, GIACOMO CUTTONE - Detailed analysis of apoptosis and delayed luminescence of human leukemia Jurkat Tcells after proton-irradiation and treatments with oxidant agents and flavonoids - Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2012, Article ID 498914, 14 pages (2012) - doi:10.1155/2012/498914 - IP2010: 2.841
- R. GRASSO, S. TUDISCO, C. PIEMONTE, D. LO PRESTI, A. ANZALONE, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, N. SERRA, N. ZORZI - New bi-dimensional SPAD arrays for time resolved single photon imaging - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 718, 566-568 (2013) - DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2012.11.136
- R. GRASSO, S. TUDISCO, A. ANZALONE, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, A. SPITALERI, R. ANZALONE, G.D’ARRIGO, F. LAVIA - A new position sensitive anode for plasmas diagnostic - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 720, 122-124 (2013) – DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2012.12.020
- R. GRASSO, S. TUDISCO, C. PIEMONTE, D. LO PRESTI, A. ANZALONE, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, N. SERRA, N. ZORZI - A new prototype of bi-dimensional spads array for time resolved single photon imaging - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2011/12 pp.302-304 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2013)
- I. BARAN, C. GANEA, A. SCORDINO, S. PRIVITERA, V. BARRESI, F. MUSUMECI, R. GRASSO, D.F. CONDORELLI, I. URSU, V. BARAN, E. KATONA, M. M. MOCANU, R. UNGUREANU, I.T. TOFOLEAN, N. MUSSO, M. GULINO, G.A.P. CIRRONE, G. CUTTONE, L.M. VALASTRO, M. SURCEL, C. URSACIUC - Apoptosis and delayed luminescence of human leukemia jurkat t-cells after proton-irradiation and treatments with oxidant agents and flavonoids - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2011/12 pp.325-328 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2013)
- I.BARAN, C. GANEA, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, V. BARRESI, F. MUSUMECI, R. GRASSO, D.F. CONDORELLI, V. BARAN, E. KATONA, M. M. MOCANU, R. UNGUREANU, I.T. TOFOLEAN, N. MUSSO, M.GULINO, M. SURCEL, C. URSACIUC - Effects of the mitochondrial respiration inhibitor, rotenone, on apoptosis, clonogenic survival and delayed luminescence of human leukemia jurkat t-cells - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2011/12 pp.329-332 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2013)
- S. TUDISCO, F. P. ROMANO, D. MASCALI, C. ALTANA, A. ANZALONE, S. GAMMINO, A. MUSUMARRA, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, AND A. TRAMONTANA - Optical, x-ray and microwave diagnostics - AIP Conference Proceedings 1546, 54-56 (2013); DOI: 10.1063/1.4816606
- AGATA SCORDINO, IRINA BARAN, ROBERTA BONFANTI, AGATA CAMPISI, COSTANTA GANEA, ROSARIA GRASSO, MARISA GULINO, ADRIAN IFTIME, DIANA IONESCU, MARIA MAGDALENA MOCANU, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, ROSALBA PARENTI - Delayed Luminescence Spectroscopy to Monitor Mitochondrially Targeted Effects of Cell Proliferation Inhibitors - Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 6 (5), 281 Conference Abstracts (2013)
- SCORDINO AGATA, BARAN IRINA, GULINO MARISA, GANEA CONSTANTA, GRASSO ROSARIA, NIGGLI HUGO J, MUSUMECI FRANCESCO - Ultra-weak Delayed Luminescence in cancer research: a review of the results by the ARETUSA equipment - Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology B- Biology 139, 76-84 (2014); DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2014.03.027
- AGATA SCORDINO, AGATA CAMPISI, ROSARIA GRASSO, ROBERTA BONFANTI, MARISA GULINO, LILIANA IAUK, ROSALBA PARENTI, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI - Delayed luminescence to monitor programmed cell death induced by Berberine on thyroid cancer cells - Journal of Biomedical Optics 19 (11), 117005 (2014)
- COLLEONI CLAUDIO, ESPOSITO SALVATORE, GRASSO ROSARIA, GULINO MARISA, MUSUMECI FRANCO, ROMELI DAVIDE, ROSACE G., SALESI GIOVANNI, SCORDINO, AGATA - Delayed luminescence induced by complex domains in water and in TEOS aqueous solutions – Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 , 772-780 (2016) DOI: 10.1039/C5CP03420E
- R. GRASSO, M. GULINO, A. SCORDINO, F. MUSUMECI, A. CAMPISI; R. BONFANTI, C. CARBONE, G. PUGLISI - The delayed luminescence spectroscopy as tool to investigate the cytotoxic effect on human cancer cells of drug-loaded nanostructured lipid carrier – In: Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health V, Jürgen Popp, Valery V. Tuchin, Dennis L. Matthews, Francesco Saverio Pavone Eds, Proceedings of SPIE 9887, 988723 (10 pp) (2016) doi:10.1117/12.2227514
- G. LANZAFAME, S. TUDISCO, A. ANZALONE, C. ALTANA, A. MUOIO, F. MUSUMECI, C. CALIRI, G.A.P. CIRRONE, D. MASCALI, F.P. ROMANO, G. DE LUCA, S. SALAMONE, F. SCHILLACI, A. SCORDINO – LENS Laser Energy for Nuclear Science - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2013/14 pp.205-206 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2016)
- I. BARAN, A. SCORDINO, D. IONESCU, S. PRIVITERA, R. GRASSO, M. GULINO, F. MUSUMECI, I.T. TOFOLEAN, C. GANEA - Functional characterization of mitochondrial respiratory complex I by delayed luminescence spectroscopy - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2013/14 pp.227-228 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2016)
- A. SCORDINO, A. CAMPISI, R. GRASSO, R. BONFANTI, M. GULINO, R. PARENTI, F. MUSUMECI - Apoptotic pathway induced by Berberine on thyroid cancer cell lines monitored by Delayed Luminescence - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2013/14 pp.229-230 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2016)
- ROSARIA GRASSO, TOMOKO ABE, GIUSEPPE A.P. CIRRONE, GIACOMO CUTTONE, MARISA GULINO, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, FRANCESCO ROMANO, HIROMICHI RYUTO, AGATA SCORDINO - Effects of Ion Irradiation on Seedlings Growth Monitored by Ultraweak Delayed Luminescence – PLoS ONE 11 (12), e0167998 (2016) DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0167998
- ROSARIA GRASSO; FRANCESCO PAOLO CAMMARATA; LUIGI MINAFRA; VALENTINA MARCHESE; GIORGIO RUSSO; LORENZO MANTI; FRANCESCO MUSUMECI; AGATA SCORDINO - Delayed luminescence in a multiparameter approach to evaluation and Arjen Amelink & I. Alex Vitkin Eds, Proceedings of SPIE 10413,104130L (28 July 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2285851
- R. GRASSO, T. ABE, G. A. P. CIRRONE, G. CUTTONE, M. GULINO, F. MUSUMECI, F. ROMANO, H. RYUTO, A. SCORDINO - Ultraweak Delayed Luminescence Can Monitor the Effects of Ion Irradiation on Seedlings Growth - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2015/16 pp. 269-270 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2018)
- R. GRASSO, F.P. CAMMARATA, L. MINAFRA, V. MARCHESE, G. RUSSO, L. MANTI, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO - Delayed luminescence in a multiparameter approach to evaluation and reduction of radiobiological risks - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2015/16 pp.267-268 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2018)
- R. GRASSO, A. CAMPISI, M. GULINO, R. BONFANTI, C. CARBONE, G. PUGLISI, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO - Effects of drug-loaded nanostructured lipid carrier on glioblastoma cell cultures investigated by delayed luminescence spectroscopy - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2015/16 pp.271-271. - ISSN 1827-1561 (2018)
- ROSARIA GRASSO, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, MARISA GULINO, AGATA SCORDINO - Exploring the behaviour of water in glycerol solutions by using Delayed Luminescence - PLoS ONE 13 (1), e0191861 (2018) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191861
- ROSARIA GRASSO, MARISA GULINO, FRANCESCO GIUFFRIDA, MICHELE AGNELLO, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, AGATA SCORDINO - Non-destructive evaluation of watermelon seeds germination by using Delayed Luminescence - Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 187, 126–130 (2018) DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2018.08.012
- R. GRASSO, F. MUSUMECI, L. BRIZHIK, and A. SCORDINO - Delayed luminescence and its dependence on nonlinear organized structures based glucose monomers - In: Advanced Photonics 2018, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper JTu5A.49; doi: 10.1364/BGPPM.2018.JTu5A.49
- GRASSO R., PELLITTERI R., MUSUMECI F., RAPICAVOLI R.V., SPOSITO G., TRIGLIA A., SCORDINO A., CAMPISI A. - Delayed Luminescence for in vitro study of mitochondrial dysfunctions in neurodegenerative diseases. In: Novel Biophotonics Techniques and Applications V, Arjen Amelink; Seemantini K. Nadkarni. Editor(s), Proceedings SPIE 11075, 110750K (22 July 2019); doi: 10.1117/12.2526920
- ROSARIA GRASSO, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, ANTONIO TRIGLIA, LARISSA BRIZHIK, AGATA SCORDINO - Impact of structure on the delayed luminescence of d-Glucose-based polymer chains - Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 198, 111589 (2019) DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2019.111589
- R. GRASSO, R. PELLITTERI, F. MUSUMECI, V. RAPICAVOLI, G. SPOSITO, A. TRIGLIA, A. SCORDINO, A. CAMPISI - Delayed Luminescence by an in vitro model for the study of mechanism involved in neurodegenerative diseases - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2017/18 pp.180-181 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2020)
- R. GRASSO, M. GULINO, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO - Water structures in cryoprotectant solutions studied by Delayed Luminescence - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2017/18 pp.182-183 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2020)
- R. GRASSO, F. P. CAMMARATA, L. MINAFRA, V. MARCHESE, G. RUSSO, L. MANTI, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO - Delayed luminescence to monitor the in vitro effects of ionizing radiation – LNS-INFN Activity Report 2017/18 pp.184-185 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2020)
- R. GRASSO, M. GULINO, F. GIUFFRIDA, M. AGNELLO, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO - Delayed Luminescence: a non-destructive tool to evaluate watermelon seeds germination - LNS-INFN Activity Report 2017/18 pp.186-187 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2020)
- R. GRASSO, R. PELLITTERI, S.A. CARAVELLA, F. MUSUMECI, G. RACITI, A. SCORDINO, G. SPOSITO, A. TRIGLIA, A. CAMPISI. Dynamic changes in cytoskeleton proteins of Olfactory Ensheathing Cells induced by radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Journal of experimental biology 223, jeb.217190 (10 pages) (2020) DOI: 10.1242/jeb.217190 (2020)
- ROSARIA GRASSO, PAOLA DELL’ALBANI, CLAUDIA CARBONE, MICHELA SPATUZZA, ROBERTA BONFANTI, GIOVANNI SPOSITO, GIOVANNI PUGLISI, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, AGATA SCORDINO, AGATA CAMPISI - Synergic effect of Ferulic Acid and nanostructured lipid carrier in human glioblastoma cell line evaluated through molecular and Delayed Luminescence studies - Scientific Reports 10, 4680 (2020) doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61670-3
- ROSARIA GRASSO, ROSALIA PELLITTERI, SANTI ARMANDO CARAVELLA, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, GIUSEPPINA RACITI, AGATA SCORDINO, GIOVANNI SPOSITO, ANTONIO TRIGLIA, AND AGATA CAMPISI - Non thermal effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure on neural cells - EPJ Web of Conferences 230, 00004 (2020) – doi: 10.1051/epjconf/202023000004
- R. GRASSO, R. PELLITTERI, S.A. CARAVELLA, F. MUSUMECI, G. RACITI, A. SCORDINO, G. SPOSITO, A. TRIGLIA, A. CAMPISI - Non thermal effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic waves on olfactory ensheathing cells - INFN-LNS Activity Report 2019 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2020)
- R. GRASSO, F. MUSUMECI, A. TRIGLIA, L. BRIZHIK, A. SCORDINO - D-Glucose-based polymer chains investigated by Delayed Luminescence - INFN-LNS Activity Report 2019 - ISSN 1827-1561 (2020)
- CARLO DAL LIN, ROSARIA GRASSO, AGATA SCORDINO, ANTONIO TRIGLIA, FRANCESCO TONA, SABINO ILICETO, GIUSEPPE VITIELLO, VITTORIO ELIA, ELENA NAPOLI, ROBERTO GERMANO, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI - pH, Electric Conductivity, and Delayed Luminescence Changes in Human Sera of Subjects Undergoing the Relaxation Response: A Preliminary Study and Theoretical Considerations – Organisms. Journal of Biological Sciences 4(2), 17-29 (2021) DOI: 10.13133/2532-5876/16997 - ISSN 2532-5876
- PANEBIANCO, S., MAZZOLENI, P., BARONE, G., MUSUMARRA, A., PELLEGRITI, M.G., PULVIRENTI, A., SCORDINO, A., CIRVILLERI, G. - Feasibility study of tomato fruit characterization by fast xrf analysis for quality assessment and food traceability - Food Chemistry 383, 132364 (11pages) (2022), DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.132364
- S. PANEBIANCO, G. BARONE, G. CIRVILLERI, C. FINOCCHIARO, P. MAZZOLENI, A. MUSUMARRA, M. G. PELLEGRITI, A. PULVIRENTI and A. SCORDINO - A feasibility study of tomato fruit quality assessment and traceability by X-Ray fluorescence spectroscopy and statistical analysis - Il Nuovo Cimento C 45, 208 (4 pages) (2022), DOI 10.1393/ncc/i2022-22208-3
- R. GRASSO, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, A. TRIGLIA, Application potentiality of Delayed Luminescence in Medicine, Biology and Food Quality researches – in: Ultra-Weak Photon Emission from Biological Systems: Endogenous Biophotonics and Intrinsic Bioluminescence, E. van Wijk, M. Cifra, I. Volodyaev, Y.A. Vladimirov Eds (Springer, 2022 – in press)
- R. GRASSO, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, A. TRIGLIA, Delayed Luminescence as a tool to study the structures of systems of biological interest and their collective long-living excited states – in: Ultra-Weak Photon Emission from Biological Systems: Endogenous Biophotonics and Intrinsic Bioluminescence, E. van Wijk, M. Cifra, I. Volodyaev, Y.A. Vladimirov Eds (Springer, 2022 – in press)
Anno accademico 2021/2022
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria edile-architettura - 1° anno
Corso di laurea in Informatica - 3° anno
Anno accademico 2020/2021
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria edile-architettura - 1° anno
Corso di laurea in Informatica - 3° anno
Anno accademico 2019/2020
Corso di laurea magistrale in Physics - 1° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria edile-architettura - 1° anno
Corso di laurea in Informatica - 3° anno
Anno accademico 2018/2019
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria edile-architettura - 1° anno
Corso di laurea in Informatica - 3° anno
Anno accademico 2017/2018
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria edile-architettura - 1° anno
Corso di laurea in Informatica - 3° anno
Anno accademico 2016/2017
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria edile-architettura - 1° anno
Corso di laurea in Informatica - 3° anno
Anno accademico 2015/2016
Corso di laurea in Ingegneria elettronica - 1° anno
Corso di laurea in Informatica - 3° anno
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5012-1754
Current Research
Agata Scordino currently performs and coordinates researches on the low-level photo-induced Delayed Luminescence (DL) emitted from biological systems and on the development of novel instrumentation for detection of single photons in the optical range. The aim is to study the relationship between the optical signal and the functional state of the system itself, so also exploring the potential application of DL from biological systems as a non-invasive diagnostic tool.
Moreover a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of energy and information transfer in the biological systems could be achieved. As a matter of fact these research studies originated from the hypothesis, formulated few years ago by Herbert Frölich and other physicists, that electromagnetic fields could have a role as promoters and organizers of the features of entirety and coherence characterizing living systems.
The first experiments were performed on algae, seeds and fruit. The main results coming out from this, say phenomenological, phase showed the possibility to correlate DL features to the germination perfomance, fruit quality and water pollution. Then a theoretical model has been formulated which connected the photo-induced luminescence with the formation and subsequent dissociation of auto-localized electron states (solitons). Such states, as suggested by Davydov in the '70s, being characterized by extreme stability and high lifetime values, could take part in the processes of charge and energy transport along macroscopic distances during physiological processes. The proposed model succeeds to explain many aspects of the photo-induced luminescence, starting from the non-exponential behavior of the kinetics in a wide range of physiological conditions, showing a good agreement with experimental data. One of the published papers on this subject was selected for the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research (vol.5), that publishes the most relevant biophysics papers appearing in Literature, recommended by a selected group of experts.
Improvement in experimental equipment as well as mathematical analysis of data, allowed to use DL in the study of human cells and tissues, showing first of all the possibility to discriminate between normal and tumor conditions. Also in this aspect one of the published papers was selected for the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research (vol.9) and reviewed on Biophotonics International (vol.12). In order to gain new insights into the biochemical mechanisms responsible for DL of living cells, as well as to provide new data regarding the relation between DL and the cell status, the correlation between apoptosis, oxidative stress and DL in human leukemia Jurkat T-cells and in follicular and anaplastic human Thyroid cancer cells was investigated. The results showed that DL may not be cell-type specific and it could be able to reveal the activation of the apoptotic pathway. In particular the findings on the mitochondrial targeted effects of cell proliferation inhibitors raised the attractive possibility that DL spectroscopy could be used as a reliable, sensitive and robust technique to investigate mitochondrial dysfunctions in various diseases.
During the whole research, different experimental equipments, based on single photon detection chains, the more and more accurate and powerful, have been developed for time resolved measurement of the weak light signals emitted from the living systems samples. Indeed a research line for the development of innovative detection systems as SPAD (Single Photon Avalanche Diode) and SIPM (Silicon Photomultiplier), able to provide time resolved images with single photon sensitivity, was started.
Due to the interdisciplinarity of the research, the results have been published on impacted journals spanning from Physics to Biomedocine, through Biophyisic and Biochemistry as well as Instrumentation.
The results were subject of invited talks at:
• Institute of Cell Biophysics, Pushchino Research Center (Pushchino, Russia, 2000);
• International Workshop on ENERGY AND INFORMATION TRANSFER IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: How Physics Could Enrich Biological Understanding (Acireale, Catania, Italy, 2002);
• NATO Advanced Research Workshop on “Molecular Self-Organization in Micro-, Nano,and Macro Dimensions: from Molecules to Water, to Nanoparticles, DNA and Proteins” (Kyiv, Ukraine, 2008);
• 6° Materials’ Day (Rostock, Germany, 2010);
• Conference on Ultra-weak Photon Emission From Living Systems – from mechanism to application (Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2013);
• International Institute of Life Energy summer school “The cycle of life” (Wietow, Germany, 2017)
• Meeting “Biofotoni ed energia per la vita” (Firenze, Italia, 2017)
In relation to Delayed Luminescence studies Agata Scordino has been:
• Principal investigator of some research projects on “Delayed Luminescence from biological systems”, funded by Italian Ministry of University and Research and University of Catania
• Tutor of a two-year research grant on “Modeling aspects and applications of ultra-weak photo-induced delayed luminescence emitted from biological systems”, funded by University of Catania
• Scientific vice-coordinator of the Research Unit on “Study by Delayed Luminescence of in vitro experimental model of thyroid tumour cells related to transferrin-1 receptor overexpression” as a part of Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN) No. 2008XAWB9H supported by Italian Ministry of University and Research
• Member of the research projects “DELOS - DElayed Luminescence for Optical Screening”, “SINPHOS - SINgle PHOton Spectrometer”, “TRIS – Time Resolved Imaging Sensors”, funded by the National Scientific Committee 5 (CSN5) “Technological and inter-disciplinary research” of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)
• Principal investigator of the research project “Organization and coherent dynamics in liquid water”, funded by University of Catania as FIR 2014
• Local coordinator of the LNS-INFN research Unit of the national research project "ETHICS – Pre-clinical experimental and theoretical studies to improve treatment and protection by charged particles”, funded by the National Scientific Committee 5 (CSN5) “Technological and inter-disciplinary research” of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)
6 - 22 Marzo 2020 Premio Asimov per l'editoria scientifica Edizione 2020
8 – 14 Aprile 2019: XXVIII Settimana della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologica presso LNS-INFN
28 Settembre 2018. Notte Europea dei Ricercatori, Progetto SHARPER Sharing Researchers’ Passions for Evidences and Resilience, presso LNS-INFN
5 – 11 Aprile 2018: XXVII Settimana della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologica presso LNS-INFN
- Biological Research
- Biomedical Optics Express
- Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents
- Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology
- Luminescence
- Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
- Scientific Reports
- Trends in Analytical Chemistry
- Springer Nature Applied Sciences (SNAS)
- World Scientific Publishing
- Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
11 - 15 Settembre 2017: Comitato Scientifico della Conferenza LACE - Light on the Architecture of Life
11- 15 Settembre 2017: Comitato Organizzativo della Conferenza LACE - Light on the Architecture of Life
A.A. 2010/11: Orientamento e Tutorato degli studenti del primo anno dei Corsi di Laurea a numero programmato della Facoltà di Ingegneria
A.A. 2018/19: partecipazione al percorso formativo per docenti di primo anno dei CDL E CDLMcu - Progetto di qualificazione e aggiornamento professionale rivolto al personale docente dell’Università degli Studi di Catania
A.A. 2017/18: Partecipazione al corso di formazione “Insegnamenti di primo anno: didattica innovativa e qualità del processo di apprendimento” dell’Università degli Studi di Catania
Ottobre 2014: Partecipazione al corso “La formazione generale del lavoratore”, piattaforma S-learnig AiFOS - Associazione Italiana Formatori della Sicurezza sul Lavoro
13-14 Dicembre 2012: Partecipazione al corso formativo ECM "Valutazione del rischio da radiazioni ottiche coerenti in ambito sanitario e di ricerca"
Dal 2006: Promozione di Cultura di Pace e di Rispetto dei Diritti Umani, attraverso incontri nelle Scuole di ogni ordine e grado, in qualità di volontario dell’associazione EMERGENCY (ONG, ONLUS)