Elisabetta PALADINO

Associate Professor of Physics of matter [FIS/03]


14/10/1994 Degree in Physics, at Palermo University, 110/110.

1995 - 1996 CNR fellow at the Physics Institute, Palermo University.

1996 - 1998 Ph.D. in Physics, at the Physics Department of Catania University and at the II Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Stuttgart (Germany).

1997 - 1998 “Visiting scientist” at the II Institut fuer Theoretische Physik Stuttgart, Germany.

12/4/1999 Doctor's degree in physics cum laude, Catania University. Thesis “Dynamical Aspects of Dissipative Two-State Systems”.


1999 - 2000 Contract for education and research activities for the Environmental Engineering degree of the University of Catania (seat of Enna).

2001 “Visiting scientist” at the Department of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

2002 - 2004 Post-Doc at the Engineering Faculty, Catania University

2007 “Maitre de Conferences invite” at the l'Universite de Provence (d'Aix-Marseille I), France, invited by Prof. T. Martin.

2004 - 2008 CNR-INFM researcher, (tenure track) at the National Center MATIS INFM-CNR, Catania.

October 2008 Assistant Professor at Catania University, Engineering Faculty.

Since April 2015 Associate Professor at the Physics and Astronomy Department of Catania University.


Research Interests

Present research interests are quantum dynamics of open systems and quantum control of nanodevices for quantum computation. Research lines are

1) Dynamics and control of nanodevices for quantum computing (since 2001)

2) Noise in mesoscopic devices (since 2006).

3) Quantum mechanics of dissipative systems (since 1996).

4) Quantum correlations in systems formed by few degrees of freedom (1994 - 1996).

The above activities have been done in collaborations with University of Genova (I), SNS Pisa (I), University of Stuttgart (D), TU Delft (NL), University of Marseille (F) and within national and EU projects. She is author of about 80 publications in international peered journals and reviews among which one article published in Communication Physics in 2020, two articles in Scientific Reports in 2015 and 2019, and a review article  published in Rev. Mod. Phys. in 2014. She has given more than 50 oral presentations, 30 invited contributions, 10 invited talks at italian and foreign Universities. The international visibility of the research activity is confirmed by the invitation to the Nobel Symposium 2009 “Qubits for future quantum computers”, Nobel Symposium 141, May 25-28,2009 in Göteborg, Sweden, presentation title "Advanced quantum control and noise in nanodevices".

Research projects

QuantERA call 2019, national coordinator of the project SiUCs "Superinductor-based quantum technologies with Ultra-Strong Couplings ". Since 1997 she collaborated to 13 national and international research projects (5 EU – IST). She has been PI of the Galileo Project 2013 “Mesoscopic detectors' quantum back-action effects in the measurement of coherent nano-devices: fluctuation dissipation relations and finite frequency current cumulants”, in collaboration with Marseille University, Centre de Physique Theorique (Prof. T. Martin), and of the “progetto di ricerca di Ateneo” 2008 entitled ''Processi Fisico-Chimici su grani''.

Research-related public service positions

She is associate researcher at the CNR-IMM UOS Catania (Università) Matis group since 2004, since 2013 she is associate researcher of the INFN. Since 2010 she is partecipates to the PhD commettee in Physics of Catania University.

Commission of Trust
Since 2016 Coordinator for international mobility and Erasmus for the Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania.

Other Activities

Meeting organization

° Chair of the Italian Quantum Information Science Conference, IQIS18, September 17-20, 2018, Catania, I.

° Member of the Advisory board of the next 28th Low Temperature Physics Conference, LT28, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2017.

° Co-organizer of the International Workshop on Nanoscale dynamics, coherence and computation e MCRTN meeting, Catania September 26 - 28 2005.

° Co-organizzer (with T.M. Nieuwenhuizen and M. Grifoni), of the Workshop Hot Topics in Quantum Statistical Physics: q-Thermodynamics, q-Decoherence and q-Motors, August 11 - 16 2003, Lorentz Center - University of Leiden (The Netherlands).

° Co-organizer of the “joint TMR-COST P5 workshop” Mesoscopic Eletronics, Catania, October 17 -19 2002.

° Co-organizer of the 1st TMR/IST Joint Meeting: Dynamics of nanofabricated superconducting circuits - Superconducting Qubits, Catania, September 24 - 26 2000.

Referee assignements

She is referee for Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Physical Review A, New Journal of Physics, Europhysics Letters, Journal of Modern Optics B, Physics Letters A, Physica B, Physica C, Physica E, European Physical Journal, Journal of Applied Physics.

She has been Guest Editor of the New Journal of Physics Special Issue “Quantum dissipation in unconventional environments”, November 2008 (M. Grifoni Editorial Board, E Paladino Guest Editor).

Last update March 19, 2020.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

The theoretical research activity is in the field of solid state physics and in particular  on quantum information based on superconducting nano-devices. The activity is part of one of the main research lines of the Horizon 2020 program on the possible use of quantum systems for technological purposes (Quantum Technologies flagship). The research is divided into several lines in collaboration with both national and international groups and in the context of EU or bilateral research projects.
Main research topics are the quantum mechanics of complex systems and quantum computing with superconducting nanodevices. The lines of research are
1) Decoherence and advanced quantum control techniques in coherent nanodevices.
2) Quantum noise in mesoscopic systems.
3) Quantum mechanics of dissipative systems.

Within line 1) she coordinates the research group on quantum control in distributed networks in Catania, supervising the activities of PhD students and post-docs. Within lines 2) and 3) she coordinates the research group's activities in the context of national and international collaborations (as PI or as a participant).


She has taken part as a speaker to Pint of Science Catania in 2017 and as a team member in PoS 2018 and PoS 2019.
She contributed as speaker to European Researchers Night - Sharper 2018.

The funding of the QuantERA project SiUCs has been advertized by an interview given for Radio Zammu' in October 2019


The publication on the article "1/ f noise: Implications for solid-state quantum information" E. Paladino, Y. Galperin, G. Falci, B. Altshuler Rev. Mod. Phys 86, 361 (2014) has been advertized on different media:

- Bollettino d'Ateneo dell'Università di Catania il 22/04/2014


- National press:

Repubblica Scienze il 10/05/14

La Stampa Tecnologia  l'11/05/14

ansa Sicilia del 30/10/14

and local press: CataniaReport e Gazzetta di Sicilia il 22/05/14, KataNews il 28/05/14.