Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year - Curriculum FISICA NUCLEARE E SUB-NUCLEARE
Teaching Staff: Vincenzo GRECO
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/02 - Theoretical physics, mathematical models and methods
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content


Dimenisonal analysis, energy and time scales of the fundamental interaction. Lorentz Group. Klein-Gordon,Dirac and Proca equations – Why do we need a relativistic field theory. Relation between a infinite system of harmonic oscillators and the field

Lagrangian theory of classical fields

Euler-Lagrange equations. Hamiltonian formalism. Internal and space-time symmetries: continue and discontinuous, global and gauge symmetries. Noether Theorem. Energy-Momentum Tensor. Examples for scalar, spinor, electromagnetic fields.

Quantum field theory

Canonical Quantization for a scalar, spinorial and electromagnetic field. Spin-Statistics relation. Solution of the causality problem in quantum field theory. Interacting Fields. Fermionic and Bosonic Propagators. Temporal evolution of the field operator in Dirac representation. Perturbation Theory in quantum field theory. Normal e temporal order of field product operators and Wick Theorem. Definition of S, T ed M matrices and link to scattering cross section e decay width. Feymann diagram and outline of radiative correction.

Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)

Gauge field, minimal coupling and formulation of QED. Feynmann rules for the QED. Diagrams with external photon lines: radiation gauge. Mandelstam invariants and cross sections: s-channel, t-channel ed u-channel. Crossing symmetry. Explicit calculation of Coulomb, Moeller, Bhabba, Compton cross sections. Outline of electroweak interactions and Feymann rules for electroweak processes. Examples: contribution of Z0 to e+e − processes.

Strong interaction (QCD)

Introduction to strong interactions and Quantum Chromodynamics; proof of quark and gluon, flavor and color degrees of freedom. Non-abelian gauge interaction in SU(2) e generalization to SU(3). Non-Abelian bosonic tensor. Comparison of Feynmann diagrams in QED and QCD. Asymptotic freedom and confinement.

Deep-inelastic collisions and parton models. Derivation of Rosenbluth formula. Bjorken scaling and parton distribution functions. Perturbative QCD diagrams at II0 order and evalution of cross section for EMBED Equation.3 .