Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year - Curriculum PHYSICS APPLIED TO CULTURAL HERITAGE, ENVIRONMENT AND MEDICINECredit Value: 6
Scientific field: INF/01 - Informatics
Taught classes: 35 hours
Laboratories: 15 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
The student will acquire:
- capability to develop object-oriented software programs;
- a certain knowledge of advanced computer tools of current use in the fields of basic and applied research;
- capability to use the analogy tool to apply known solutions to new problems (problem solving);
- capability to design and implement experimental and theoretical procedures to solve problems of academic and industrial research or to improve existing results;
- capability to work with increasing degrees of autonomy, also assuming responsibility in the planning and management of projects;
- communication skills in Italian and English in the fields of object-oriented programming and artificial intelligence;
- capability to present one's own research or review activity to a generic audience.
Course Structure
Frontal lessons and practical exercises.
Detailed Course Content
From structured programming to objects
- Revisiting of variables, addresses, arrays and pointers in C.
- Pointers to functions
- The passage of values to functions and references
- Dynamic memory allocation
- Creation of libraries, headers, object files and linking.
- The concept of object-oriented programming applied to any programming language
- The concept of reusability of the code and its modifiability
- Practical examples of objects in C.
- Classes, data hiding and abstract data types
- Class-level members
- Builders and destroyers of objects
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Examples of programming of objects of type:
- stacks, queues and trees.
Introduction to artificial intelligence techniques
- Fuzzy Logic
- Neural networks
- Clustering
- Genetic algorithms
- Genetic programming
- Applications in the field of Physics Frontal lessons and practical exercises
Textbook Information
Notes provided in class.