Adjunct Professor

• Contract professor of  "Astrophysics Laboratory II" at the University of Catania - Physics and Astronomy Department, Academic Year 2020-2021

• TD at the INFN-LNS


• Degree in Physics (curriculum Astrophysics), 110/110 cum laude, at the University of Catania (July 19, 2012)

• PhD in Physics, cum laude, at the University of Catania (February 24, 2016)


• Co-supervisor of two degree theses discussed at the University of Catania - Physics and Astronomy Department, Academic Year 2018-2019


• Two-year TD contract at INFN-LNS (February 01, 2020 - present)

• Fellowship at INFN-LNS (January 03, 2018 - January 02, 2020)

• Fellowship at UNICT-DFA (August 29, 2016 - January 29, 2017)


• P.I. of the two-year project "LAboratory Plasma Spectroscopy for Ultraviolet Space" (LAPSUS) funded by ASI in 2020 (grant "Attività di studio per la comunità scientifica nazionale - Sole, Sistema Solare ed Esopianeti" under the agreement ASI-INAF n. 2018-16-HH.0)

• P.I. of the two-year project "MAgnetised Plasma Spectropolarimetry 3D" (MAPS_3D) funded by INFN in 2018 (CSN5 grant for Young Researchers n. 19105/2017)

Scientific Activity

Commissioning and Science Verification:

• Polarimeters for the MAPS_3D project in 2018

• HARPS-North POlarimeter (HANPO) at INAF-Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG, La Palma, Spain) in 2014

• PAOLO (Polarimetric Add-On for the LRS Optics) for the spectrograph d.o.lo.res at INAF-TNG in 2012

• CAOS (Catania Astrophysical Observatory Spectropolarimeter) at INAF-OACT Serra la Nave in 2012

Observational Astrophysics: spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric stellar observations with CAOS at INAF-OACT, PAOLO at INAF-TNG, HARPS at ESO-La Silla (Chile), iSHELL at NASA IRTF Telescope (Mauna Kea Observatory, USA).

Computational Astrophysics: stellar structure and evolution (Frascati Raphson Newton Evolutionary Code), LTE stellar atmosphere models (ATLAS), radiative transfer with codes SYNTHE and COSSAM (COdice per la Sintesi Spettrale nelle Atmosfere Magnetiche), Non-LTE emission spectra with CHIANTI code.


• Member of PLUS (Plasma in Laboratory and Universe Systems)

Prizes and Mentions

• 2019: prize of the CSFNSM, entitled to prof. Antonino Rubbino, for the best PhD thesis in a subject of experimental Physics discussed in a sicilian Universities after January 1, 2015

• 2018: special mention at the 104° National Congress of the Italian Physics Society for the talk "Spettropolarimetria tridimensionale e ad alta risoluzione di plasmi magnetizzati"

Publications: listed in the right tag

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2020/2021

The research activity of Dr. Giarrusso mainly regard Stellar Astrophysics, in particular the determination of physical parameters and surface chemical abundances of Pre-Main Sequence and Main Sequence stars based on high resolution spectroscopic observations, the age determination of binary systems by means of stellar evolutionary models, and the characterization of stellar magnetic fields morphology based on spectropolarimetry.

She is currently P.I. of the project LAPSUS (LAboratory Plasma Spectroscopy for Ultraviolet Space), funded by ASI, devoted to the realization of an experimental atomic database for the UV emission. This database will be obtained from the analysis of the emission of laboratory plasmas generated at Laboratori Nazionali del Sud and will support the identification of the lines in the spectra of space missions. The spectrograph for these measurements was designed and is under construction at the Catania Astrophysical Observatory.


• "European Researchers' Night 2019" (INFN-LNS, September 27, 2019)

• "European Researchers' Night 2018" (INFN-LNS, September 28, 2018)

• "XXVII Settimana della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologica" (INFN-LNS, April 5-11, 2018)

• "XXIII Settimana della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologica" (INFN-LNS, March 31-April 7, 2014)

• Scientific dissemination program of INAF-OACT (2013-2016)