Anna Privitera

dal 13/06/2022 al 13/04/2023
Responsabile scientifico: Luca LANZANÒ

PhD in Basic and Applied Biomedical Sciences - Bioinformatician in Medical Biochemistry at the Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences (University of Catania, Sicily, Italy).
Bioinformatics Researcher in Neurological Sciences at the Institute of Neurological Sciences at National Research Council of Catania.
Post-graduate master´s degree in "Omics Sciences in Biomedicine" at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Biomedicine and Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Qualification of prefessional Biologist senior (No. AA_068406).
Master´s degree in Health Biology.
Bachelor´s degree in Biological Sciences.

Scientific areas of interest:
Identification and functional characterization of driver genes associated to Broad Copy Number Aberrations (BCNAs) in Cancer.
Data analysis (RNA-sequencing, SNP-arrays and sigle-cell analysis scRNA-seq) in Colon Carcinoma COAD, Breast Carcinoma (BRCA) and Glioblastoma (GBM). Neuropsychiatric diseases (OCD, ALS), R programming.

“High resolution imaging on in vitro models of tumors” nell’ambito del programma di ricerca “OPTICAL NANOSCOPY TO INVESTIGATE THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF ONCOGENE-INDUCED GENOMIC DAMAGE”

a)Privitera AP, Barresi V, Condorelli DF. Aberrations of Chromosomes 1 and 16 in Breast Cancer: A Framework for Cooperation of Transcriptionally Dysregulated Genes. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Mar 30;13(7):1585. doi: 10.3390/cancers13071585. PMID: 33808143; PMCID: PMC8037453.

b) Condorelli DF, Privitera AP, Barresi V. (2019). Chromosomal Density of Cancer Up-Regulated Genes, Aberrant Enhancer Activity and Cancer Fitness Genes Are Associated with Transcriptional Cis-Effects of Broad Copy Number Gains in Colorectal Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Sep 19;20(18). pii: E4652. doi: 10.3390/ijms20184652.

c) Privitera, A. P., Distefano, R., Wefer, H. A., Ferro, A., Pulvirenti, A., & Giugno, R. (2015). OCDB: a database collecting genes, miRNAs and drugs for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Database (Oxford Journals) 2015, bav069.

d) Privitera A.P, Russo F, Ferro A, Pulvirenti A, Giugno R. “OCDB: the first overall database collecting genes, miRNAs and drugs for Obsessive -¬Compulsive Disorder” poster al BITS Annual Meeting 2014 (26-28 Febbraio 2014 – Università La Sapienza di Roma)