Academic Year 2015/2016 - 2° Year - Curriculum FISICA NUCLEARE E SUB-NUCLEARECredit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/01 - Experimental physics
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
Interpretation and study of the phenomenology of nuclear reactions in heavy ions. Understanding and critical analysis of scientific papers suggested as basic didactic elements of the course.
Detailed Course Content
Introductory concepts of phenomenology of nuclear reactions and conservation laws. Invariant cross section. Kinematic analysis in the phase space available to the final state. Dalitz-like Diagrams. Reactions with heavy ions (H.I). Particle-particle coincidences method. Relative energy. Classification and interpretation of phenomenology of heavy-ion reactions (HI) at low-energy: direct reactions, compound nucleus, deeply inelastic reactions. The Wilcysnski-like diagrams. The HI reactions at intermediate energies. Time scale of formation and emission of nuclear particles. Caloric curve and multi fragmentation. Equation of state of nuclear matter and its experimental determination. Nuclear reactions in stars. Exotic Nuclei(brief). Multidetectors for charged particles(brief). Motion of ions in both electric and magnetic fields(brief); production and transportation beams(brief). Particle accelerators(brief). Applications of heavy ion physics in medical diagnosis and treatment of cancer(brief).