Academic Year 2020/2021 - 2° Year - Curriculum PHYSICS APPLIED TO CULTURAL HERITAGE, ENVIRONMENT AND MEDICINECredit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/01 - Experimental physics
Taught classes: 21 hours
Laboratories: 45 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
Experimental Approach
Providing a good level of knowledge in the field of particle detectors used in nuclear and particle physics with the related electronics and data acquisition systems.
Developing capabilities to use autonomously this instrumentation in order to mount different typical experimental set up of nuclear and subnuclear physics with various techniques, with related data aquisition and following analysis
Increasing critical and judgment skills thanks to the indipendent realization of laboratory experiment requiring a continuous facing of practical experimental problems
Developping communication skill thanks to the presentation of the driven experiment and of the obtained results in a written report, and of acquired knowledge in an oral exam.
Pushing to an indipendent prosecution of studying by stimulating the research on the course items that are in continuous evolution due to the research in the field.
Course Structure
Classes on theoretical parts (3CFU)
Experimental sessions in laboratory with increasing degree of autonomy (3CFU)
Should the circumstances require online teaching, appropriate modifications to what is hereby stated may be introduced, in order to achieve the main objectives of the course.
Exams may take place online, depending on circumstances.
Detailed Course Content
Interaction radiation-matter
Charged particles: energy loss, range. Cherenckov effect. Transition radiation. Photon interaction: photoelectric, compton, pair production. Electromagnetic and adronic shower. neutron interactions. Simulation software for energy loss calculation.
General characteristic of detectors
Operative modes. Energy and time resolutions. Dead time. Efficiency. Activity measurement.
Gas detector
basic principles and working regime. Ionization chamber. proportional counters. Geiger_Muller counter. Multi Wire Proportional Chamber. Microstrip Gas Chamber. Drift chamber. Resistive Plate Chamber. Gas Electron Multiplier. Time Projection Chamber. Aging of gas detectors. Ionization chamber with liquid noble elements.
Scintillator detectors
Organic and inorganic scintillators: light production mechanisms. Cherenckov light. Light collection. Scintillating fibers. Wave Length Shifter. Photodetectors.
Soild state detectors
properties of semiconductors, doping, pn junction. Silicon detector. Photodetectors. Litium dritft detector. Hiper Pure germanium detectors. Segmented and drift detectors. Pixel detectors. Radiation damages.
Characteristics and transport on analogical signals. Module for signal treatments: preamplifier, amplifier, discriminator, analog to digital converter. Integrated electronics. Characteristic and treatment of logical signals. Digitalization of signals.
Data Acquisition
Monoparametric acquistion system. Trigger systems. Multiparamentric data acquisition systems. Sofware for data acquisition and treatment.
Detection and identification methodologies
gamma spectrometry, compton soppression, doppler correction. Neutron detection and spectrometry. Energy loss measurement and particle identification. Time of flight and mass identification. Pulse shape discrimination for different detector. Momentum measurement and particle identification with magnetic deflectio. identification methods for particle physics. transition radiation detector. Calorimeters. Monte Carlo simulations of detection process.
Applicazione di tecniche nucleari
Ion Beam Analysis methodologies: RBS and PIXE. Examples of application to cultural heritage.
Radiaion detector in medical field. Scintillator and solid state detectors. Digital radiography. Computer thomography, single and double photon.
laboratory experiences:
gamma detection and high resolution spectrometry, gamma coincidence measurement, environemental radioactivity and source activity measurement.
Alpha particle detection with ionization chamber - silicon detector telescope.
Time of flight measurement of alpha particles with micoro channel plate and silicon detectors.
detection and pulse shape discrimination of alpha and gamma radiation with signal digitizer.
Ion beam measurement - PIXE and RBS - with singletron accelerator.
Textbook Information
1) G.F. KNOLL, Radiation detection and Measurement, J.Wiley 1999
2) W.R. LEO, Techniques for nuclear and particle physics experiments, Springer-Verlag 1987-1994