Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° Year - Curriculum NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS and Curriculum THEORETICAL PHYSICS
Teaching Staff: Angelo PAGANO
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/01 - Experimental physics
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Critical examination of the topics set out in the lectures with reference to the prevailing scientific production.

Analysis of some fundamental papers that have been discussed in the lectures.

Course Structure

The teaching phase develops critical readings of the material previously distributed to the researchers.
After an initial preparatory phase, scientific articles (in numbers greater than or equal to 5) of relevance for the course are read in the classroom.
In addition to a preparation in the physics of the course, the goal is to educate students on the methodology for preparing scientific papers in a synthetic scheme.

Detailed Course Content

Introductory concepts of the phenomenology of nuclear reactions and conservation laws. Invariant cross section. Kinematic analysis in phase space. Dalitz diagrams (notes). Reactions between heavy ions (H.I). Particle-particle correlations. relative energy. Classification and interpretation of reactions (H.I.) at low energy and medium energy: from direct reactions to fragmentation reactions. Wilczynski diagrams. The H.I. reactions at intermediate energies. Time scale of formation and particle emission. caloric curve and multi fragmentation. Equation of state of nuclear matter and its experimental determination. nuclear reactions in stars. Exotic nuclei. Multidetectors for charged particles (elements). Particle accelerators (overview). Physical applications of heavy ions in medical diagnostics and in the treatment of ocular cancer (notes).

Textbook Information


-1. WILL95-/W.S.C. Williams, Nuclear and particle physics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995

-2. SEG86-/ E.Segrè, Nuclei e particelle, Zanichelli, 1986


3. KRA88-/K.S.Krane: Introductory Nuclear Physics, 1988. Ed. Wiley & Sons,

New York .

4. POV98-/B.Povh , K.Rith, C.Scholz, F.Zetsche : Particelle e nuclei, un’introduzione ai concetti fisici, Ed. Bollati Boringhieri (1998), ristampa 2006

-5.PRE82- Strutture of the Nucleus, M.A.Preston-R.K.Bhaduri, ed. Westview, 2010