Lucia Oliva wins a von Humboldt fellowship

Dr Lucia OlivaMSc in Physics and PhD in Physics at #DFA, has recently obtained a post-doc research fellowship from the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, with a project entitled “Exploring the influence of electromagnetic fields on photon production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions: the interplay with the vortical quark-gluon plasma and novel photon emission sources”. The project is closely related to the nuclear collisions experiments at ultra-relativistic energies going on at LHC, CERN, Genevra. This post-doc position, having a duration of 24 months, will enable Dr Oliva to bring to fruition her research project in collaboration with Professors E. Bratkovskaya and D. Rischke at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP), Goethe University, Frankfurt (Germany).


Publication date: 02/02/2019