The Ising critical quantum Otto engine

Venerdì 23 settembre 2002, con inizio alle ore 12:00, presso l'Aula F del DFA, su invito del Prof. G. Falci, la Dr Giulia Piccitto (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pisa) terrà un seminario dal titolo The Ising critical quantum Otto engine.

Tutte le persone interessate sono invitate a partecipare.

Abstract. The aim of this seminar is that of giving a qualitative understanding of a four-stroke Otto engine whose working fluid is a quantum Ising chain. After having defined what a quantum Otto engine is, I will discuss the modeling of the quantum Otto Ising engine. I will show that this engine may operate in four different operation modes, depending on the various parameters, and, in particular that it can act as a heat engine and as a refrigerator. I will also spend some time discussing the role of the quantum critical point on the performances of such an engine.

Venerdì, 23 Settembre, 2022