
Corsi / Syllabi : Ciclo 39 / 39th Cycle

                                 TITOLO CORSO DOCENTE CFU
Advanced fluorescence microscopy methods  Lanzano', L.  2
Advanced numerical methods of physics  Angilella, G.G.N.  3
Advanced Statistical Methods for Astronomy and Astrophysics  Lanzafame, A. 2
Advanced Topics in Nuclear Astrophysics  La Cognata, M.  2
Advanced topics in nuclear dynamics and reaction mechanisms with stable and radioactive beams Pirrone S. - Gnoffo B. 2
Advanced topics in quantum field theory Branchina V. 3
An introduction to Python and its scientific use  Ingallinera, A.  2
Applications of the Functional Renormalization Group in Field Theory  Zappalà, D.  2
Charge transport and devices simulations  La Magna, A.  2
Clusters in Atomic Nuclei  Lombardo, I.  2
Cosmological inflation and large-scale structure Puglisi G. 3
Direct Reactions with Heavy Ions  Cappuzzello, M. Colonna, F.  2
Exactly solvable one dimensional quantum many particle systems  Amico, L.  2
Exoplanets  Pagano, I.  2
Experimental searches for Dark Matter  De Napoli, M.  2
Femtoscopy and two-particle correlations in subatomic physics Verde G. ; Pagano E. 2
Introduction to innovative particle detectors and data acquisition systems  Buscemi, M.  2
Introduction to Medical Physics  Cirrone, P.  2
Introduction to reactor kinetics  Mostacci, D.  2
Mathematica for Physicists: computational methods and tools  Ridolfo, A.  2
Monte Carlo Techniques  Pandola, L.  2
Neutrino Physics  Sapienza, P.  3
Neutron induced nucleosynthesis: from stars to laboratories  Sergi, M.L.  2
Nuclear aspects of explosive Astrophysics and Multimessenger Astronomy  Cherubini, S.  3
Optical design with Raytracing  Munari, M.  2
Phase Diagram of Quantum Chromodynamics Ruggieri M. 2
Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars  Burgio, F.  2
Quantum dynamics and control of open quantum systems  Paladino, E.  3
Scanning Probe Microscopies  Ruffino, F.  2
Search of New Physics Beyond the Standard Model in Double Beta Decay  Cappuzzello, F.  2
Selected topics in Quantum Technologies  Falci, G. 2
Star-Planet interactions in extrasolar systems  Lanza, A.F.  2
Stellar Evolution  Pumo, M. L.  2
Strong Interactions at Finite Temperature and Density  Greco, V.  3
Sun - Earth Connection and Space Weather  Zuccarello, F. 2
Use of the Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit for particles transport Cirrone, P.  2
X ray based methods and instrumentation in Materials Science  Caliri, C. 2