
Professor Silvio Cherubini joins the Conference Committee of Physics Forum 2021

Professor Silvio Cherubini will serve as guest editor of Symmetry

SicilianPost interviews the Director of the #DFA

Lamberto Maffei's Elogio della parola wins the 2019 Asimov Prize

AtomQT is a COST Action for quantum technologies

Besides Facebook, #DFA is now officially present also on Instagram and Twitter. #FollowUs

The new logo of the #DFA

By decree of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Renato Pucci has been nominated Emeritus Professor.

The selections for FameLab Catania will take place in February 2019

Andrea Rapisarda with Zichichi, Benedek, Gell-Mann and Tsallis is the new Director of the International School on Complexity in Erice