Exact Renormalization Group Equations and Gauge Symmetry

Giorno 11 novembre 2019, con inizio alle ore 16:00, presso l'Aula F del #DFA, su invito del Dr Dario Zappalà (INFN-CT), il Dr Shima Asnafi (IPM, Tehran, Iran) terrà un seminario dal titolo Exact Renormalization Group Equations and Gauge Symmetry.

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Abstract. After a brief introduction to the Wilsonian Renormalization Group, I will derive an Exact (non-perturbative) Renormalization Group Equation (ERGE) and show how we can find fixed-points and critical indices non-perturbatively by this approach, for a one component scalar theory. We will see the gauge symmetry is not respected, in the case of gauge theories, by EGRE and we will explore how we cure this problem.


Lunedì, 11 Novembre, 2019