Vito Claudio LATORA

Full Professor of Theoretical physics, mathematical models and methods [FIS/02]

Vito Latora is Professor of Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Models at the University of Catania. He is also professor of Applied Mathematics, Chair of Complex Systems, and Head of the Complex Systems and Networks Group at Queen Mary University of London,  and External Faculty of the Vienna Complexity Hub. Vito is one of the leading scientists in the area of complex networks in Italy and internationally with more than 200 publications, over more than 45000 citations and a h-index h = 86. His research deals with several aspects of complex systems, from fundamental aspects of their structure and dynamics to interdisciplinary applications integrating physics, mathematics, social and biological sciences. Vito's recent interests are in  modelling dynamical processes on multiplex and temporal  networks, and on higher-order structures, such as simplicial complexes and hypergraphs. Vito is currently collaborating with neuroscientists and anthropologists to understanding the network components of creativity, innovation and success.

  • Jul 92: Laurea in Fisica, Universita' di Catania (110/110 e Lode)
  • Oct 96: PhD in Fisica, Universita' di Catania
  • Nov 95-Aug 96: Postdoctoral Fellow, GANIL, Caen, FR
  • Sep 96-Aug 99: Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Theoretical Physics, MIT, Cambridge, US
  • Nov 98-Aug 99: Visiting Scientist, HARVARD, Cambridge, USA
  • Jul 00-Mar 01: Visiting Scientist, Lab. Phys. Theorique et Mod. Statistiques, Univ. Paris XI, FR
  • Jan 02-Apr 15: Ricercatore Universitario, Universita' di Catania
  • Jan 08- Jan 12: Direttore Scientifico del Lab sui Sistemi Complessi, Scuola Superiore di Catania
  • from Jan 12- : Professor of Applied Mathematics and Chair of Complex Systems, QMUL, London UK

Vito has co co-authored various edited volumes and more than 200 scientific publications including papers in Physical Review Letters, PNAS, Science, Nature Communications, Nature Human Behaviour, Scientific Reports, review papers in Physics Reports and the textbook Complex Networks: Principles, Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press (2017). See the complete list of of publications here or from Google Scholar.

   Recent selected publications:

Interacting discovery processes on complex networks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 248301 (2020) (Cover page)
Networks beyond pairwise interactions: structure and dynamics, Physics Reports 874, 1 (2020)
Quantifying and predicting success in show business Nat Comm 2019 (Nature, Guardian, Times, Altimetrics)
Simplicial models of social contagion, Nature Comm 2019
Dynamically induced cascading failures in power grids, Nature Comm 2018
Distributed control of synchronization of a group of network nodes, IEEE-TAC 2018
Network dynamics of innovation processes, PRL 2018 (Science Daily)
Mobility and congestion in multilayer networks, PRL 2018
Pareto optimality in multilayer growth, PRL 2018
Collective phenomena in multiplex networks, PRL 2017
Hunter-gatherer networks and cumulative culture, Nature Hum Beh 2017 (VIDEO) (Cover page)
Anatomy of funded research in science, PNAS 2015 (Press1, press2, press3)
Structural reducibility of multilayer networks, Nature Comm 2015
Growing multiplex networks, PRL 2013
Phase transition in the economically modeled growth of a cellular nervous system, PNAS 2013
Remote synchronization reveals network symmetries and functional modules PRL 2013
Elementary processes governing the evolution of road networks, Scientific Reports 2012 (Press1, press2)
Controlling centrality in complex networks, Scientific Reports 2012 (Nature open access)
Emerging Meso- and Macroscales from Synchronization of Adaptive Networks, PRL 2011
Functional modularity of spontaneous activities in epileptic brain nets, PRL 2010 (COVER PAGE)
Networks of motifs from sequences of symbols, PRL 2010 ( (


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Mathematical modelling of complex systems. Structure and dynamics of complex networks. Multilayer and multiplex networks. Temporal networks. Higher-order networks. Random walks on complex networks. Synchronization and transition to chaos in networks of coupled dynamical systems. Brain networks. Spreading and complex contagion. Evolutionary dynamics and cooperation in social systems. Quantitative urbanism. Predicting success in creative ecosystems.