Associate Professor of Experimental physics [FIS/01]

Born in Tuscany (nowadays a naturalized Sicilian!), Silvio Cherubini began his scientific experience graduating from the University of Pisa. Already since the period of preparation of his PhD thesis, he moved to the University of Catania where he returned in 2005 as permanent researcher, after several years spent in foreign Universities. Since 2014 he is Associate Professor of Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions at DFA.

Below is a brief summary of his qualifications and activities.

  • Associate Professor in Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions (FIS01) at the University of Catania
  • Professor of "Laboratory 1" for the Degree Course in Physics - Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Professor of "Physics" (later "Fundamentals of Mechanics and Static") for the five-year single-cycle Degree Course in Architecture, SDS Architecture, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Member of the Board of the Physics and Astronomy Department
  • Research Officer at the INFN Southern National Laboratories
  • Visiting Scientist of RIKEN, Japan

Research activity

  • Experimental nuclear astrophysics
  • Astroparticle physics
  • Interplay between Nuclear Physics, Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics

Other activities

  • Applications of Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions

Education and Academic Career

  • 1991  Physics Degree, University of Pisa, thesis "On the Associated Production of Bosoni Vectors and Castings to Hadronic Colliders"
  • 1995  PhD in Physics, thesis "Quasi-free break-up reactions as a tool for the study of nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest", University of Catania
  • 1995 -1997  post-doc scholarship Sicilian Center for Nuclear Physics and Atomic Physics (Catania)
  • 1997 - 2001  post-doctoral researcher, Institut de Physique Nucléaire of the Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain la Neuve, Belgium). Scientific qualifications of Chargé de Recherche from 1 October 1998 and Chercheur qualifié from 1 October 2001 (conferred by Decree of the King of Belgium by the Walloon Regional Government, Belgium)
  • 2001- 2004  post-doc researcher, Institut für Experimental Physik III of the Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, (Bochum, Germany), research group led by Prof. Claus Rolfs
  • 2005 - 2014  Permanent University Researcher, scientific-disciplinary sector FIS / 01, University of Catania
  • 2014 - present  Associate Professor of Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions, FIS / 01, University of Catania

Research and Institutional positions

  • 2016- present, member of the Board of the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Catania
  • 2019 - today, Delegate of the Department Head for relations concerning teaching activities in Physics with the Special Didactic Structure " Architecture" of the University of Catania (Siracusa branch)
  • Researcher at the National Laboratories of the South of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) since 2009;
  • 2012 - 2016 National Head of the INFN ASFIN2 experiment
  • 2007 - 2011 Local Manager of the INFN ASFIN2 experiment
  • 2016 Visiting Fellow, at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan;
  • 2010-present Visiting Scientist at the Radioactive Isotope Physics Laboratory of the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, Wako, Saitama, Japan;
  • 2010-2011 Long Term Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science as a foreign researcher invited to the Center for Nuclear Study (CNS) of the University of Tokyo
  • 2014 -2016, 2018-2020 Promoter and Head of Memorandum of Understanding for nuclear physics and astrophysics studies, triennial 2014-2016, renewed 2018-2020
  • Member of the Register of Auditors for the evaluation of ministerial research programs for the Ministry of Education, University and Research
  • Member of the Academic Board of the PhD program in Physics of the University of Catania (various Cycles)
  • Head and spokesperson of experiments subjected to evaluation by the Physics Advisory Committee of RIKEN (with evaluation "A" or "A +") at the research center of RIKEN and conducted in collaboration with colleagues from RIKEN and the CNS of the University of Tokyo and various other universities and international research bodies
  • Responsible for the Catania group of the TECSA collaboration (acronym for Texas A&M, Edinburgh, Catania Silicon Array);
  • 2001-2004 Responsible for the Ruhr-Universität-Bochum of the Big-Bang experiment at the National Laboratories of the South (LNS) of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Catania, Italy
  • 2002-2003 Spokesperson for the Ruhr-Universität-Bochum of the SigmaN experiment at the INFN LNS (2002-2003)
  • 1997 - 2000 Spokesperson of the PH122 experiment at the "Center de Recherche du Cyclotron" (CRC), Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
  • Local manager of numerous experiments conducted at the CRC in the period 1997-2001.

Representative functions

  • 2012 - 2016  Member of the User Committee of the Southern Italian Laboratories
  • 2013 - today  Representative elected, for the academic component, of the Researchers of the National Laboratories of the South of the INFN
N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Silvio Cherubini started his research activity with a thesis on phenomenology in the field of Elementary Particle Physics. Subsequently he devoted himself mainly to research in the field of Nuclear Astrophysics. In this field, among the first, he actively collaborated in the development of an indirect measurement method of the nuclear cross sections between charged particles with astrophysical energies known as the "Trojan Horse Method". He also conducted research in the field of low energy nuclear physics. He has conducted numerous experiments, some of them with innovative techniques, with the use of radioactive beams both post-accelerated and produced in flight with the ISOL method. In recent years he has been interested in Astroparticle Physics and aspects related to the Physics of neutrinos in astrophysics.

Silvio Cherubini has recently been interested in the application of his basic physics skills to architecture (study of the use of two-dimensional position sensitive silicon detectors for applications related to the stability of structures).

He is also actively involved in scientific dissemination activities. In this context, he has proposed seminars at various High Schools and he is the Regional Coordinator for Sicily of the Asimov Prize for scientific popularization literature. He also participates in activities such as the "European Researchers' Night" and the "Scientific Week", organized by both the DFA and the INFN Southern National Laboratories.