Anno accademico 2023/2024 - Docente: ALFIO MAURIZIO BONANNO

Risultati di apprendimento attesi

knowledge of fundamentals elements of standard model of cosmologyand the most common astrophysical sources

Modalità di svolgimento dell'insegnamento

Lezioni frontali con con proiezione di slides e approfondimenti alla lavagna. Saltuariamente si analizzeranno criticamente anche articoli di letteratura, e si terranno sessioni di "domande e risposte" al termine dei macro-argomenti.

Prerequisiti richiesti

interazione materia luce

Frequenza lezioni


Contenuti del corso

Universe structure: measurement techniques of astronomical distances, the Milky Way, large scale universe structure, galaxies classification, galaxies rotation curves, local group, galaxies clusters and super-clusters, universe expansion,

Hubble law, red-shift, outlines on big bang.
2.Stellar evolution: star photometric quantities,

Hertzprung-Russel diagram, historical development of star evolution theories, pp and CNO cycles, star clusters and star populations, star formation, star evolution, brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, giant stars, binary systems, Cepheids.

3.Supernovae: evolution, collapse, explosion, supernovae remnants, SN 187A, new stars generation.

4.Gamma astronomy: transparency of universe to e.m. radiation, gamma sources, Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, EGRET, Fermi satellite, non identified gamma sources, diffusion gamma radiation component, pulsars, Active Galactic Nuclei, dark matter.

5.Pulsars and black holes: properties and operation models of pulsars, binary pulsars, accreting disks, characteristics and detection techniques. Magnetars and dynamo action.

6.Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN): radio-galaxies, unified model of AGNs, Seyfert galaxies, BL-Lac, quasars, blazars, detection techniques.

7.Gamma ray burts: first observations, BATSE, Beppo-SAX, localization models, time characteristics, generation models, collapsars, Fermi-LAT observations.

8. Gravitational waves

Testi di riferimento

  • George B. Rybicky, Alan P. Lightman: "Radiative Processes in Astrophysics", Wiley
  • Malcolm S. Longair: "High-Energy Astrophysics", Cambridge University Press
  • J. Frank, A. King & D. Raine: "Accretion Power in Astrophysics", Cambridge University Press
  • Gabriele Ghisellini: "Radiative processes in high energy astrophysics", Springer, Lecture Notes in Physics 873

Verifica dell'apprendimento

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

Esame orale, eventualmente sostituibile con un mini- progetto di ricerca da concordare

Esempi di domande e/o esercizi frequenti

  1. A pulsar has a period of 2 milli-seconds and a slow-down rate of 1019 s/s.

    1. (a)  Estimate the age of the neutron star.

    2. (b)  Estimate the magnetic field of the neutron star.

      2). A cluster of galaxies has an X-ray luminosity of 1043 erg sand a gas temperature of 10K. The radius of the X-ray emitting region is 0.2 Mpc. Estimate the density and mass of the hot gas in the cluster, assuming that the density and temperature are roughly constant.