Vincenzo GRECO

Archivio avvisi

Advanced Quantum Mechanics: lezione del 13/12/2023

La lezione di mercoledì 13 dicembre di Advanced Quantum Mechanics del Prof. Greco avrà inizio alle 10:30 anziché alle 10:00.

Advanced Quantum Mechanics - 13 December 2023

The lecture of this Wednesday 13th December will start at 10.30 (instead of 10.00 ) in aula M

Cancellation of Advanced Quantum Mechanics lecture of 8th November 2023

The lecture of Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Prof. V. Greco) of  November 8  is cancelled.

Classes will resume regularly on November 10 at 11.00 am.

Lectures of Advanced Quantum Mechanics AA 2023/24

Lectures of  Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Prof. V. Greco) for the Academic Year 2023/24 will start on Friday 6th October at 11 am.

Lectures o ftheory of Strong Interactions 2023

The lectures of Theory of Strong Interaction will start on Friday 10th at 11 in aula M

Inizio lezioni di Theory of Strong Interactions

Le lezioni di Theory of Strong Interactions iniziano Giovedi 10 Marzo.

Non lecture of AQM on Wednesday 13 October 2021
Dear Students, due to an expected issue this Wednesday 13 October there will be no lecture of Advanced Quantum Mechanics. The next lecture will be as scheduled on Friday 15 at 11-13.
Ritorno didattica mista - Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Si avvisano gli studenti che frequentano il corso di Adcanced Quantum Mechanics che da venerdi 23 Ottobre 2020 si ritornerà alla didattica mista e gli studenti prenotati potranno seguire nuovamente  le lezioni in aula. 

Students attending the course of Advanced Quantum Mechanics course are advised that from Friday 23 October 2020 on we will return to blended teaching and booked students will be able to follow classroom lessons again.

Lezioni Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Si avvisano gli studenti del corso Advanced Quantum Mechanics che da mercoledi' 14 ottobre le lezioni proseguiranno solo in modalità on-line

fino a nuova comunicazione. Prof. Vincenzo Greco


The lectures of Advanced Quantum Mechanics since October 14th will continue only in on-line mode till further communications. Prof. V. Greco

Lezione Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Venerdi 16 ottobre non ci sarà la lezione di Advanced Quantum Mechanics.
Friday October 16th there will be no lecture of Advanced Quantum Mechanics.