Weak, strong and critical coupling in intersubband polaritonics

Thermal calculation results for the grating immersed in air and in water

At the invitation of Prof. Giuseppe Falci, on Deember 11, 2018 ar 10:30, in Aula C, Simone Zanotto (Istituto di Nanoscienze - CNR Pisa) will deliver a seminar entitled Weak, strong and critical coupling in intersubband polaritonics.


Weak and strong coupling concepts arise in light-matter interaction theory when dealing with emitters embedded in open optical cavities. In particular, strong coupling is closely connected to polaritons, light-matter hybrid quasiparticles whose handling became feasible thanks to semiconductor nanotechnology techniques. In parallel, the physics of open resonant cavities shows another phenomenon of significant relevance: critical coupling. In the present talk I will review these phenomena and illustrate a model that unifies them in a semiclassical way. Moreover, I will show experimental results in support of the model, relying on the intersubband polaritonics platform of GaAs/Al(Ga)As - metal - graphene nanostructures.

Tuesday, 11 December, 2018