Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: IVANO LOMBARDO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The specific objectives of the part of the course held by the teacher are the following:

·       Provide a methodical approach to the framing of physical problems concerning electromagnetism, optics and relativity;

·       Establish connections with similar problem solving strategies connected to other areas of physics;

·       To stimulate the student's curiosity towards the themes of modern physics through the signals of it already traceable in classical electromagnetism.


With reference to the so-called Dublin Descriptors, this course contributes to acquiring the following transversal skills:

Knowledge and understanding:

·       Inductive and deductive reasoning skills.

·       Ability to schematize a natural phenomenon in terms of scalar and vector physical quantities.

·       Ability to set up a problem using appropriate relationships between physical quantities (algebraic, integral or differential) and to solve it with analytical or numerical methods.

Ability to apply knowledge:

·       Ability to apply the knowledge acquired for the description of physical phenomena using rigorously the scientific method.

·       Ability to organize an exercise, also complex, concerning the themes of general physics II.

Autonomy of judgment:

·       Critical reasoning skills.

·       Ability to identify the most appropriate methods for framing and solving an exercise.

Communication skills:

·       Ability to rigorously expose all the physical, logical and mathematical steps necessary to solve a problem.

·       Ability to make rapid numerical estimates of expected results in a well-defined problem.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Required Prerequisites

Differential and integral calculus of one-variable real functions. Vectors in physical space and main operations on vectors. Fundamental concepts of mechanics such as forces, conservative forces, work, kinetic energy, potential energy. Newton's laws and differential equation of motion.

Attendance of Lessons

Non mandatory, but recommended

Detailed Course Content

The part of the course treated by the teacher will mainly focus on:


Exercises of Physics II


Problems and exercises on: electric fields - Gauss's law - electrostatic potential - general problems of electrostatics - calculations of capacitance - forces between conductors - effects due to dielectrics - energy considerations in electrostatics - method of image charges - Ohm's laws - Kichhoff's laws - RC circuits - magnetic fields: Laplace and Biot-Savart laws - Ampère-Maxwell law - magnetism in matter - applications of Faraday's law - self-induction - RL circuits - mutual induction - electromagnetic waves - Poynting vector - radiation pressure - physical optics - problems of relativistic kinematics and dynamics - problems of relativistic electromagnetism - complements of special relativity and magnetism in the matter

Textbook Information

For tutorials:

F. Porto, G. Lanzalone, I. Lombardo, D. Dell'Aquila, Problems of General Physics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Relativity, II Edition, EdiSES

M. Bruno, M. D'Agostino, R. Santoro, Exercises in General Physics, CEA

For the theoretical part we recommend:

D. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, Cambridge

P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci, Fisica II, EdiSES

C. Mencuccini, V. Silvestrini, Fisica II, CEA

E. Amaldi, R. Bizzarri, G. Pizzella, Fisica Generale, Elettromagnetismo e ottica, Zanichelli

E.M. Purcell, La Fisica di Berkeley: Elettricità e Magnetismo, Zanichelli 

D. Halliday, R. Resnick, K.S. Krane, Fisica, vol. II (III o IV edizione), Ambrosiana

For the Relativity:

L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifsits, Field Theory, Pergamon

R. Resnick, Introduction to Special Relativity, Wiley

V. Barone, Relatività, Boringhieri

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Exercises on electric fields and forces and on vector calculusPorto et al (Cap. 1), Bruno et al (Cap. 1)
2Exercises on conductors, capacitance and dielectric mediaPorto et al (Cap. 1), Bruno et al (Cap. 2)
3Exercises on direct currents and DC circuitsPorto et al (Cap. 2), Bruno et al (Cap. 3)
4Exercises on stationary magnetic fields and magnetic fields in media (~ 6 h)Porto et al (Cap. 3), Bruno et al (Cap. 4)
5Exercises on electromagnetic induction effects (~ 6 h)Porto et al (Cap. 4), Bruno et al (Cap. 5)
6Exercises on Maxwell equations and EM waves (~ 5 h)Porto et al (Cap. 6), Bruno et al (Cap. 6)
7Exercises on ray optics (~ 4 h)Porto et al (Cap. 8)
8Exercises on Special Relativity  (~ 4 h)Porto et al (Cap. 10)

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam consists of a written test and an oral interview. The written test consists in solving problems within a maximum time of 2 hours. The evaluation of the writing will take into account the correctness of the problem solving approach, the correctness of the numerical calculations and significant figures, the arguments supporting the procedure followed. The minimum mark for admission to the oral exam is 15/30. The evaluation of the oral exam will take into account the level of depth of the contents exposed and the properties of language and exposure. It is possible to replace the written exam, and possibly also the oral exam with two ongoing tests, the first relating to electrostatics, in vacuum and in matter, and to electric currents and the second relating to the remaining part of the program. Passing the ongoing tests requires passing a written exam and possibly an oral exam for each exam. For the evaluation of the ongoing tests, the same criteria described above will be followed for the ordinary tests. The minimum mark to pass the written exam is 15/30. The first ongoing test will take place at the end of the first teaching period, in the February exam session. If the written test is passed, it is also possible to participate in the oral exam, as long as it is in the same session. Students who have passed the first ongoing test (written exam or written and oral exam) will have access to the second ongoing test. The written test and the oral test relating to the second ongoing test will be repeated until the September exam. The student who has passed both ongoing written tests may be exempted from taking the ordinary written test. The student who has passed both the in itinere written tests and both the in itinere oral tests will instead have the entire subject recognized without the need to take the ordinary exam. All written exams, both ongoing and ordinary ones, have limited validity and it will be necessary to complete the exam, passing the oral exam, within five months of the last written test taken. If the student does not pass the exam within this deadline, he will have to repeat the written exam.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Problems and exercises on: electric fields - Gauss's law - electrostatic potential - general problems of electrostatics - calculations of capacitance - forces between conductors - effects due to dielectrics - energy considerations in electrostatics - method of images - Ohm's laws - Kichhoff's laws - RC circuits - magnetic fields: Laplace and Biot-Savart laws - Ampère-Maxwell law - magnetism in the matter - applications of Faraday's law - self-induction - RL circuits - mutual induction - electromagnetic waves - Poynting vector - radiation pressure - physical optics - problems of relativistic kinematics and dynamics - problems of relativistic electromagnetism