Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Marco RUSSO
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: INF/01 - Informatics
Taught classes: 40 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

-The concept of the algorithm
- The concept of programming
- Outline of programming languages
- Difference between interpreters and compilers
- The organization of memory in a processing system
- Overview of the C language
- The concept of variable
- The operator sizeof
- Header Files
- Compile phase
- Errors and warnings
- Base data type of C and their modifiers
- Constants enumerations
- I/O of a program
- Expressions and mathematical functions
- Type conversions
- Overflow and underflow
- Assignment Operators
- Unary Mathematical Functions
- Random values
- Conditional execution: IF, SWITCH, WHILE, FOR and DO-WHILE
- Vectors and matrices
- Characters and strings
- The concept of code indentation
- Comma operator
- Ternary operator
- Endianess
- The system function bitwise operators
- Text and binary files
- Pointers
- Distinctions between pointers and vectors
- Pointer arithmetic
- The functions
- Parameters and return value current and formal parameters
- Passage of explicit and implicit parameters
- Type static variables
- Recursion
- Data structures and union
- The operator typedef
- Introduction to the C preprocessor
- Dynamic memory allocation
- Pointers to memory functions

Textbook Information

Any C book