Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° YearCredit Value: 6
Scientific field: INF/01 - Informatics
Taught classes: 21 hours
Laboratories: 45 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
Teach students the transition from simple problems to their implementation in C language.
Course Structure
Lectures and PC exercises.
Detailed Course Content
The concept of algorithm
The concept of programming
Overview of programming languages
Difference between interpreters and compilers
The organization of memory in a processing system
Overview of the C language
The concept of variable
The sizeof operator
Header files
Stages of compilation
Errors and warnings
Type of C basic data and their modifiers
Constants Enumerations
I / O of a program
Expressions and mathematical functions
Type conversions
Overflow and underflow
Assignment operators
Unary operators
Mathematical functions
Random values
Conditional execution: IF
Logical operators
Conditional execution: SWITCH
Iterative execution: WHILE, FOR and DO-WHILE
Vectors and matrices
Characters and strings
The concept of indentation of the code
Comma operator
Ternary operator
Discussion on the endianess
The system function
Bitwise operators
Text files and binary files
Pointers Distinctions between pointers and vectors
Pointers arithmetic
Functions on byte blocks
The functions in C.
Local variables
Parameters and return value
Current and formal parameters
Explicit and implicit parameter switching
Static variables
The recursion
Data structures and union
The typedef operator
Introduction to the preprocessor C
Dynamic allocation of memory
Pointers to memory functions
Textbook Information
Any C book