Symmetry in nuclear and particle astrophysics

Symmetry plays a fundamental role in the description and understanding of nature. Quite recent observational and experimental techniques enable nowadays to exploit symmetry to more effectively investigate extreme large-scale phenomena, such as those taking place in astrophysics and in high-energy particle physics.

This research field will be the focus point of a special issue of Symmetry (an open access scientific journal), entitled Symmetry in Interplay between Nuclear Physics, Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, to be published soon.

Professor Silvio Cherubini (DFA) has been invited to serve as guest editor of such special issue. Indeed, Professor Cherubini's main research interests concern the physics of neutrinos and its relevance for nuclear and particle astrophysics. Professor Cherubini is currently Head of the BSc programme in Physics (Corso di laurea [triennale] in Fisica) at DFA, UniCT.

Data di pubblicazione: 09/01/2021