International News

Erasmus students are not required to book online as their place is already booked up in advance.

con la presente comunichiamo l'apertura DEL BANDO “EU4EU EUROPEAN

Gli studenti interessati per le mobilità Erasmus+ sono  invitati a compilare il loro learning agreement tramite l'apposita funzionalità disponibile nel portale  studenti smart edu.

Si comunica l’avvio dell’ottava edizione del contest “Il tuo erasmus 

Up to 3 scholarships for foreign (non-EU) students, resident abroad Italy, who would like to enroll in our MSc programme in Physics


An international workshop on quantum phenomena in 2D systems

Temporary procedures and contacts for international incoming and outgoing mobility of students and professors can be found in the downloadable files in this page.

Il progetto EU4EU "European Universities for the EU - Italy", coordinato dall’Università Sapienza, è finanziato dal 


The 9th International Geant4 School will take place in Catania, at LNS-INFN, during October 5-9, 2020