Cristina Natalina TUVÈ

Associate Professor of Experimental physics [FIS/01]
  • Associate Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Catania - Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Teaching: LABORATORY OF PHYSICS I (M-Z) the Bachelor's Degree in Physics.
  • Local INFN Experiment Manager: EIC-net
  • Head of the Sipm test laboratory of the TAO detector JUNO experiment
  • Member of the Joint Committee of the Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • former representative of researchers and technologists in the National Assembly of INFN
  • former representative of researchers and technologists of the INFN section of Catania

Research activity:

  1. High Energy Nuclear Physics: experiment:  EIC in USA
  2. Neutrino physics: JUNO experiment in China
  3. Physics of fundamental interactions: CMS experiment at CERN's LHC accelerator
  4. Development of diamond detectors: RD42 (CVD Diamond Radiation Detector Development) of CERN

ORCID: 0000-0003-0739-3153

  • 2014-2020:  Fisica for the master degree in Medicine.International Conference  Physics and Astronomy World Forum: Physics Forum-2021

•    Professor of Experimental Physics at University of Catania – Department of Physics and Astronomy.
•    Graduated in Physics with full marks and laude on 7 April 1983, defending a thesis on “Studio di un sistema di pulsaggio dei fasci di ioni per l’accoppiamento tra gli acceleratori Tandem e Ciclotrone Superconduttore al L.N.S.”
•    PhD in Physics (1993) defending a thesis on “Spettrometria di neutroni e sezioni d'urto di reazioni a energie relativistiche”
•    UniCT: Associate Professor (29-12-2003 –present)
•    UniCT: Researcher (21-01-1994 – 28-12-2003)
•    High School Teacher (1-10-1985 - 20-01-1994)Managerial Roles
•    Former member of the Department's Directorate Board (2002-2006).
•    Former member of the Faculty Head Council (2008-2012) of the Science Faculty of University of Catania
•    Former member of the Office-Space Management Committee of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (2011-2015).
•    Former member of the INFN National Researcher's Council as Representative of the INFN-Catania researchers (1995-2001 and 2013- present)

Member of the organizing committee of scientific events such as :

  • International Conference:  NuSys2021
  • School : ISOTDAQ 2021
  • International Conference  Physics and Astronomy World Forum: Physics Forum-2021
  • International Conferences (CRIS1996, CRIS1998, CRIS2000, CRIS2002, CRIS 2021),
  • Collaboration meetings (e.g. EOS collaboration in 1996)

Teaching experience
2014-present:  Laboratorio di Fisica I (M-Z)  for the bachelor degree in Physics.
2016-present:  Fisica delle radiazioni e materia biologica the High School of Medical Physics
2014-2020:     Fisica for the master degree in Medicine
2012-2015:     Fisica Nucleare delle alte energie for the master degree in Physics
2013-2014:     Fisica 1 for the bachelor degree in Chemistry.
2008-2014:     Fisica Generale II and Laboratory for the bachelor degree in Chemistry.
2003-2008:      Fisica 1 for the bachelor degree in Information Technology.
Research activity, current and past:

  • Member of the JUNO collaboration (study of neutrino oscillations and neutrino mass hierarchy) at the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (as of 2019).
  •  Member of the EIC collaboration (Electron Ion Colliderdis: discovery machine for unlocking the secrets of the "glue" that binds the building blocks of visible matter in the universe ) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (as of 2020)
  • ex Member of the CMS collaboration (search for the Higgs boson, supersymmetry, dark matter etc.) at the CERN LHC (since 1996).

•    As member of the CMS experiment is one of the discoverers of the Higgs boson (July 2012).
•    Expert of detector design, construction, and test, has participated in the construction of the original CMS and of the so-called phase-1 upgraded Pixel detector.
•    Expert of detector operation, is responsible for control, safety and operation of the CMS Technical shift during data taking.
•    Member of the RD42 collaboration at CERN (2007 onwards).
•    Project Manager of: “Dosimetria in Terapia Radiometabolica con Iodio-131 per la Personalizzazione del Trattamento del Carcinoma Differenziato della Tiroide (CDT)”
•    Before joining the CMS collaboration, worked in three collaborations:
1.    TRANSPORT (Measurements of as many cross sections as possible of heavy ions on hydrogen and helium targets to contribute to the construction of a database for the models of cosmic-ray transport through the interstellar medium, 1988-1991) at LBNL;
2.    EOS (study of nuclear matter under high density and temperature conditions and equation of state, 1991-1995) at LBNL;
3.    E896 (search for the elusive 6-quark particle H0, 1993-2000) at BNL.
•    For these three experiments has participated to the design and construction of a scintillation detector (MUFFINS) and was strongly involved also in more general tasks of the experiments. Was responsible for the data reduction and data analysis of MUFFINS. Her PhD thesis was on this detector and on the study of neutron production cross sections in nuclear reactions at relativistic energies
Earlier on, just after graduation (1983), had been involved in nuclear physics measurements in two INFN laboratories: LNL and LNS.
Scientific Publications
Prof. Cristina Tuvè is author of about 1000 scientific publications. The full list is maintained in the UniCT IRIS product catalogue.


N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

The research activity of Prof.ssa Cristina Tuvè in the first years was  carried out in the field of nuclear physics with experiments at the National Laboratory of Legnaro (LNL), Legnaro (Pd), the National Laboratories of the South (LNS) in Catania, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley (USA) and Brookeven National Laboratory (BNL), USA

Currently it is part of the collaborations:

EIC:  experiment planning at  Electron Ion collider (EIC) under construction at  Brookeven National Laboratory (BNL), USA

JUNO the experiment that will take place in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, China
RD42 of Cern for the development of new CVD Diamond Detectors Radiation

She was part of the CMS collaboration at the LHC accelerator at CERN in Geneva; an experiment that led to the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012.

She also deals with physics applied to medicine
Responsible for the Catania University project (intervention line 2)
"Dosimetry in Radiometabolic Therapy with Iodine-131 for the Customization of Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (CDT)"


(2018) Progetto Alternanza Scuola Lavoro between the University of Catania and the "E. Medi" higher education institution of Leonforte (EN)
Head of the Physics Laboratory 1
lecture course on analysis of experimental data and experiments in the laboratory

(2015-2018) Week of Scientific and Technological Culture (XXV -XXVII)
Responsible of
laboratory "We know nature through measurement"

(2015-2018) National Science Plan (PLS) Physics Project
Cycle of lessons and activities in the Laboratory of Physics 1 for several high school students from different parts of Sicily various high schools.

(2016) Progetto Alternanza Scuola Lavoro between INFN Catania section and the Galileo Galilei Scientific High School of Catania
Head of the Physics Laboratory 1
Lectures course on data analysis and laboratory experiments

(2016) Event: "CERN under the VOLCANO"
in conjunction with the European Researchers' Night

(2016) Refresher course on "modern physics" aimed at teachers in service in high schools
Report as first year teacher of the degree course in Physics (Physics Laboratory 1)
"Minimum disciplinary knowledge, considerations and insights on knowledge and skills in entry"

(2009-2014) Week of Scientific and Technological Culture (from XX to XXIV)
activities related to demonstrative / interactive laboratories with stands for activities related to particle physics