Adjunct Professor


Research leader at the Catania Section of the INFN where he was Director from 2007 to 2015. He has visited important international research centers. His main research field is experimental  nuclear physics. He has also collaborated to the construction of several Detection facilities (Scattering Chamber CT-2000-LNS, ARGOS detector, Fissile apparatus, CHIMERA detector). He devotes great interest in general physics, physics teaching and the dissemination of scientific culture in connection with  the problem of environmental pollution. He teaches at the University of Catania. He is author of 250 publications in specialized journals and he has numerous scientific citations . He made numerous invited lectures at National and International Conferences. He is a member of the SIF (Italian physics society) and of the SISFA (Italian society of historians of physics and astronomy.

General information: ANGELO PAGANO

Languages: Italian; - English; - French. Bibliometric indicators (Scopus update January 2020)

 N. articles: 282; Citations: 3461; h-index:32

Employment: since 01.01.1985: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) Catania. (Director from 30-11-2007 to 5-07-2015). Place: Dip. di Fisica e Astronomia ''Ettore Majorana'' of Catania University. email:

Educational Qualification

Ph.D in PHYSICS at University of Catania –I cycle (1987); Specialization school in Nuclear Physics (1980-1982) at University of Catania; Laurea Cum Laude in Physics at University of Catania (21 July 1980).

Present Status: Research Leader (INFN DIRIGENTE DI RICERCA since 2004) – Professor Under Contract

at University of Catania. Fields of Interest: Nuclear Physics with Heavy Ions; He devotes also interest in History of Physics.

Scientific Affiliations:

Società Italiana di Fisica (SIF): Membership (1985 – present);//
Società  Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia (SISFA) (2000 – present)-

Awards: '' Ettore Majorana '' Award 2012, recognised by city of Militello Val di Catania for Education;

Scientific role: -

He has coordinated several experiments approved by INFN (FISSILE / DRACULA / ARGOS/ CHIMERA/REVERSE/ISOSPIN/EXOCHIM) within Int. collaborations.  Spokesperson of experiments approved by int. sci. committees (LNS (I), Frascati (I), Saclay (FR), Ganil (FR), GSI(D)). Since 1993 he promoted and coordinated the innovative modular 4PI CHIMERA detector installed at LNS in 1998 by the REVERSE configuration (688 DE-E telescopes) and in 2002 by Full configuration (1192 telescopes).

Since 1998 - he conceived the first campaign of measurements with CHIMERA within large Int. Collaborations (see: A. Pagano, Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 22, N0.1, 2012). He is at present member of the CHIRONE-INFN experiment.

Scientific activity: Experimental nuclear physics. He studied: - Break-up; Fission-Fusion; Deep-inelastic; Fragmentation, Transfer reactions, Multifragmentation, EOS of nuclear matter, Exotic nuclei.  He promoted innovative equipment’s in heavy ion physics collecting data in European  lab. (LNS, Saclay, GANIL, GSI) and some of them installed at LNS: Vacuum Chamber 2000CT, CHIMERA (1192 Si-CsI(Tl)) multi-detectors. He devotes interest in general physics (education).

Scientific Tasks and Managements: -

30-11-2007 to 5-07-2015.- Director of INFN Sezione di Catania (Budget of about 2 Meuro/year ).

June 1993 to June 1999.  

Nuclear Physics coordinator (member of INFN National Nuclear committee) (Budget responsibility of about 0.15 Meuro/year ).
Management (National Co-responsible) of CHIMERA design and construction ( Budget of about 1.1 Meuro/year; 6.2 Meuro consumable total cost of the project)
Management (National responsible) of numerous INFN experiments (see scientific role above, )
Budget of about 2.5 Meuro; consumable cost + mobility cost ) since 1985. //-
President and/or member of various selection boards for Technical and Researcher INFN permanent positions (including selection for I level research position at INFN).//
-Member of the official INFN delegation at the 2nd INFN-RIKEN Symposium Riken (J) May 1995.//
-Speaker (by Invitation) to the INFN evaluation committee: Richter, Soergel, Kienle, for the P.Q. INFN 1997-2000: title '' CHIMERA PERSPECTIVES ''
LNS- Catania LNS (12/3/96)//-Speaker by Invitation of the Svedber Laboratory -Uppsala- at the Int. Physics at the Celsius Ring conference in the framework of the TMR Large - Scale Facility Project, May 4, 2000 //
-President of the LNS User Committee in the period 2001-2003.//
-Invited by the LNS Management to report to the Int. Evaluation Committee set up by INFN (president F. Iachello)
Catania LNS 24-October 2003. //-Invited speaker at VIII Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions Int. Conference, Moscow June 17-21 2003, (see pub. In: Nuclear Physics A734 (2004) 504-511.) plenary section//
-Oral presentation in numerous International Workshops. //
-Chair of plenary/parallel sections in numerous int. Conf. (included: Società Italiana di Fisica, Società Italiana di Storia della Fisica e Astronomia, Colloques du Ganil, INDRA Workshop, etc). //
-Organiser of numerous international conferences or workshops (Bologna: Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century 2000, IWM2001-2013, ASYEOS2008-2010-2012, ANSIP2011, SISFA 2013, SISFA2018, FATA2019).//-member of the Executive Board of the Italian Society of History of physics in the three-year period 2015-2021 (by election).

Summary of Grant income :

January 1996 Grant NATO CRG 971512 (participant) //N.22/1999-2001 Grant - Fission (atti del XVI prot. di Cooperazione Sci. e Tecnologica ITALIA Polonia Roma, 16 December 1998- ministero degli esteri –Team Leader)//
2002 PRIN - MIUR contratto COFIN2002 (participant)//
Dynamical Fission: Grand NATO PST.CLG.979417/ 2002-2004 (Team Leader)//
2009-2013 PRIN - MIUR prog. N. 402 - Fis/01 (Participant)//

Scientific or Educational Responsibilities:

1)Since 1985-Tutor of numerous either Bachelor or Master University Thesis on arguments: Nuclear Fission, Fragmentation, Multifragmentation and on History of Physics and epistemology.

2)Co-Tutor of PhD Doctoral Thesis of Students, examples are: E. De Filippo (at present INFN Staff), E. Geraci (at Present University Staff), P. Russotto (at present LNF staff) .

3) Member (Teacher) of Educational Boards “Consiglio del Corso di Laurea” in LM-17 (International- master degree); L 30 (Bachelor degree).


Working experience in international research centres:

He worked from 1982 to 1984 at the CEA-DAPNIA (Atomic Energy Center) of Saclay (France) as CTE researcher (supervisor Dr. R. Dayras).
He was visiting either for researches in collaboration or invited seminars numerous international Laboratory ( LNS, Saclay, Orsay, Darmstadt, Frascati, Legnaro, Strassbourg, Lanzhou )

 Evaluation Activity:

Expertise in Evaluation of scientific proposals for International Agencies: ENSAR/IN2P3 (France), Nuclear Board-INFN (Italy)
Expertise in Evaluation of publication proposals (Ex- zeitschrift fur physik hadrons and  nuclei-EPJA, Nuclear Engineering and Technology-NET, Nuclear Inst. And Methods-NIM, Italian Society of History of Physics-SISFA)


Promoting new Conferences and Workshops (member of IAC or/and Sci. Committee) –

The most relevant are:-

Int. multifragmentation conf. IWM (from 2001 1th editions to present) with proceedings

(Editor in different editions)//

      2)- Int. Workshop on Nuclear Symmetry Energy: ASYEOS (from 2008 to 2017) with no proceedings.

      3) - Int. Workshop on Fast Timing for nuclear and medical application: FATA (from 2019 to present) With proceedings//

      4) - 33th National Conferenze of the “Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia” (SISFA), with proceedings //

      5)- 38th National Conferenze of the “Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia”, (SISFA) with proceedings.

Heavy-ion physics research: He studied within int. collaborations: CT-LNS-ME-BO-MI-


A) Fission;//

B) Sharing of energy loss in binary deep inelastic collisions.//

C) Fusion reactions.//

D) Projectile ragmentation.

E) Multifragmentation and dynamical processes with CHIMERA.

F) Experimental method: TIME SCALE with CHIMERA. The method has stimulated theorist groups working in the field of transport theory.//

G) Nuclear density determinations with CHIMERA.

Instrumental realisations:

He has designed and developed several detection systems in the field of nuclear physics (examples are: Argos, Fissile, Chimera) operating in international laboratories, such as: LNS in Catania, INFN-Frascati, CEA-Saclay and Ganil (France) and GSI in Darmstadt.

He developed innovative methods of particles discrimination in (liquid) NE2013, (plastic) EJ 276, BaF2 non-organic crystals.

He developed: Low noise cabling (with INFN Catania and LNS); Charge preampl. for Si (with DPNH-Saclay), Charge preampl. for Photodiodes (with INFN MI), Analogic ampl. (with DFNH-Saclay and INFN Milan), CFD CHIMERA type (with IPN-Orsay), Amplifiers CHIMERA for Pulse Shaping PSD (with INFN MI) in silicon. Spin-off with companies in Italy, e.g. SILENA, ORTEC, CAEN.

Educational (teaching and expertise):

Since 1985 -2011 member of evaluation commissions in University courses at Physics department (Ex: Nucl. Phys., General Physics I and II, Environmental Physics). //
Since 2011- present : Heavy Ion physics, course LM-17 (Catania)//
-Since 2019-present : History of Physics and epistemology, course M30 (Catania)//
-He was involved (scientific external expert) in different Italian PON educational projects of II level school institutions.

Dissemination activity:

Numerous presentations in schools or semi-popular and professional seminars. He wrote by TRECCANI biography of Salvatore Notarrigo. He produced educational papers and seminars. He is promoting public activities in the field of “Permanent Education” at regional level. He organised (INFN invitation) in Catania (2016) the INFN general exhibition titled: “Balle di Scienze” (history of errors in Physics) with an impact of 20000 visitors.


Fisica Nucleare (selected)

1- M. Baldo, G. Lanzanò, A. Pagano, A. Palmeri, S. Aiello, G. Piccitto, Y.Cassagnou,  R. A. Dayras,  J. Fouan and L. Rodriguez "Neutron Emission from the Compound Nucleus 26Al"  Phys. Lett. B vol. 156, N.3,4 (1985) 181-184. 

2- R. Dayras, A. Pagano, J. Barrette, B. Berthier, D. M.  De Castro Rizzo, E. Chavez, O. Cisse, R. Legrain, M. C. Mermaz, E. C. Pollacco, H. Delagrange, W. Mittig, B.Heusch,   R. Coniglione, G. Lanzanò, A. Palmeri "Peripheral Interaction for 44 MeV/u 40Ar on 27Al  and natTi  targets"  Nucl. Phys.  A 460 (1986) 299-323. 

3- S. Lo Nigro, S. Aiello, G. Lanzanò, C. Milone, A. Pagano, A. Palmeri and G. S. Pappalardo, V. Lucherini, N. Bianchi, E. De Sanctis, C. Guaraldo,  P.  Levi-Sandri, V. Muccifora, E. Polli, A. R. Reolon and P.Rossi " Fragment Mass and Kinetic Energy distributions for the Photofission of 238U with (100-300)MeV Bremsstrahlung"  Nuovo Cimento  A 98 (1987) 643- 656. 

4- G.Lanzanò, A. Pagano, S. Urso,E. De Filippo,B. Berthier,J.L.,Charvet,R.Dayras,R. Legrain,R. Lucas,C. Beck,B. Djerroud "Using BaF2 Crystals as detectors of light charged particles at intermediate energies''  Nucl. Instr. and Meth.  A312, 515-520 (1992).

5- A. Pagano, S.Aiello, E. De Filippo, G. Lanzanò, S. Lo Nigro, C .Milone and M.C. Mermaz " Angular correlations of projectilelike and fission fragments in the reaction 16O + 238U at 110 MeV'' Phys. Rev.  C 50 N.2 (1994) 891-896. 

6- A.Pagano for CHIMERA, "A new multi element detector system at LNS for heavy ion reaction studies at intermediate energies" Plenary Invited Lecture selected 2nd INFN-RIKEN Symposium INFN 1995 Committee - Riken (J) May 1995.Pub. in  A.Pagano et al., Proc. of 2nd INFN-RIKEN Symposium, Perspectives in Heavy-ion Physics ed. M. Ishiara, T. Fukuda, C. Signorini World Scientific Pub. Co. Ltd. (1995) 119.

7- G.Lanzanò, A.Pagano, G. Blancato, E. De Filippo, M. Geraci, R. Dayras, B. Berthier, F. Gadi-Dayras, R. Legrain, E.Pollacco. “Inclusive measurements of light charged particles emitted in the reaction 40Ar + 27Al at 60 A.MeV”  Phy. Rev. C. Vol. 58, n.1, 281, July (1998). 

8- G. Lanzanò, E. De Filippo, S. Aiello, M. Geraci, A. Pagano, S. Cavallaro, and F. Lo Piano, “Fastelectron production in atomic collisions induced by 77 A-MeV 40Ar ions studied with a multidetector,” Physical Review A 58, 3634–3641 (1998)

9- R. Ghetti, N. Colonna,  ….,…,…A. Pagano, et al. (CHIC Collaboration), “Characterization of nuclear sources via two-neutron intensity interferometry,” Nuclear Physics A 660, 20–40 (1999), doi:10.1016/S03759474(99)00377-2.

10- A.Pagano, et al. ‘’ Physics with the Chimera detector at LNS in Catania: The REVERSE experiment’’ Plenary Invited Lecture selected by  3rd Int. Relativistic Ion Studies CRIS 2000 - Acicastello Italy, May –2000. Pubblicato in: A.Pagano et al. Nucl. Phys A681(2001)331. 

11- A. Pagano, et al.  ‘’ Fragmentation studies with the CHIMERA detector at LNS in Catania: recent progress’’ Plenary Invited Lecture selected by VIII Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions Int. Conference, Moscow june 17-21 2003, pubblicato in : A.Pagano et al.   Nuclear Physics A734 (2004) 504-511. 

12- J. Wilczynski, E. De Filippo, A. Pagano, et al. “How to calibrate the time scale of emission of intermediate mass fragments,” International Journal of Modern Physics E 14, 353–357 (2005), 11th Nuclear Physics Workshop, Kazimierz, Poland, Sep 23-26, 2004, doi:10.1142/S0218301305003119.

13- E. Geraci, M. Bruno, M. D’Agostino, E. De Filippo, A. Pagano, et al. “Isoscaling in central 124Sn + 64Ni, 112Sn + 58Ni collisions at 35 A MeV,” Nuclear Physics A 732, 173–201 (2004), doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2003.11.055.

14- E. De Filippo, A. Pagano, J. Wilczynski, et al. “Time sequence and time scale of intermediate mass fragment emission,” Physical Review C 71 (2005),


15- M. Geraci, G. Lanzano, E. De Filippo, A. Pagano, J.L. Charvet, R. Dayras, R. Legrain, C. Volant, J. Richert, and P. Wagner, “Properties of projectile-fragments in the 40Ar + 27Al reaction at 44 A MeV. Comparison with a multisequential decay model,” Nuclear Physics A 773, 1–23 (2006), doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2006.04.004.

16- E. De Filippo, G. Lanzanò, H. Rothard, C. Volant, A. Anzalone, N. Arena, M. Geraci, F. Giustolisi, and A. Pagano, “Forward and backward electron emission cross-sections for 23 MeV/u C, Ni and Au projectiles traversing C, Al, Ni, Ag, Au and Bi foils,” European Physical Journal A 32, 349–356 (2007), doi:10.1140/epja/i2007-10387-4.

17- F. Amorini, A. Anzalone, R. Bassini, C. Boiano, G. Cardella, S. Cavallaro, E. De Filippo, P. Guazzoni, E. La Guidara, G. Lanzanò, A. Pagano, M. Papa, S. Pirrone, G. Politi, F. Porto, E. Riccio, F. Rizzo, S. Russo, P. Russotto, and L. Zetta, “Digital signal processing for mass identification in a 4?-detector, using time of flight measurement,” IEEE Trans. On Nucl. Science 55, 717–722 (2008), doi:10.1109/TNS.2008.918528.

18- I. Skwira-Chalot, K. Siwek-Wilczynska, J. Wilczynski,  ….,….A. Pagano, et al. “Fast Ternary and Quaternary Breakup of the 197Au + 197Au System in Collisions at 15 MeV/nucleon,” Physical Review Letters 101 (2008 doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.262701.

19- D. Pierroutsakou, B. Martin, C. Agodi, R. Alba, V. Baran, A. Boiano, G. Cardella, M. Colonna, R. Coniglione, E. De Filippo, A. Del Zoppo, M. Di Toro, G. Inglima, T. Glodariu, M. La Commara, C. Maiolino, M. Mazzocco, A. Pagano, C. Parascandolo, P. Piattelli, S. Pirrone, C. Rizzo, M. Romoli, M. Sandoli, D. Santonocito, P. Sapienza, and C. Signorini, “Dynamical dipole mode in fusion reactions at 16 MeV/nucleon and beam energy dependence,” Physical Review C 80 (2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.80.024612.

20- F. Amorini, G. Cardella, G. Giuliani, M. Papa, C. Agodi, R. Alba, A. Anzalone, I. Berceanu, S. Cavallaro, M. B. Chatterjee, R. Coniglione, E. De Filippo, A. Di Pietro, E. Geraci, L. Grassi, A. Grzeszczuk, P. Figuera, E. La Guidara, G. Lanzalone, N. Le Neindre, I. Lombardo, C. Maiolino, A. Pagano, S. Pirrone, G. Politi, A. Pop, F. Porto, F. Rizzo, P. Russotto, D. Santonocito, P. Sapienza, and G. Verde, “Isospin Dependence of Incomplete Fusion Reactions at 25 MeV/Nucleon,” Physical Review Letters 102 (2009), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.112701.

21- J. Wilczynski, I. Skwira-Chalot, K. Siwek-Wilczynska, A. Pagano, et al. “Aligned breakup of heavy nuclear systems as a new type of deep inelastic collisions at small impact parameters,” Physical Review C 81 (2010), doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.81.067604.

22- J. Wilczynski, I. Skwira-Chalot, K. Siwek-Wilczynska, A. Pagano, et al. “Observation of fast collinear partitioning of the Au-197+Au-197 system into three and four fragments of comparable size,” Physical Review C 81 (2010), doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.81.024605.

23- P. Russotto, E. De Filippo, A. Pagano, et al. “Strong enhancement of dynamical emission of heavy fragments in the neutron-rich 124Sn + 64Ni reaction at 35A MeV,” Physical Review C 81 (2010), doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.81.064605.

24-  R. Raduta, B. Borderie, E. Geraci, N. Le Neindre, P. Napolitani, M. F. Rivet, R. Alba, F. Amorini, G. Cardella, M. Chatterjee, E. De Filippo, D. Guinet, P. Lautesse, E. La Guidara, G. Lanzalone, G. Lanzanò, I. Lombardo, O. Lopez, C. Maiolino, A. Pagano, S. Pirrone, G. Politi, F. Porto, F. Rizzo, P. Russotto, and J. P. Wieleczko, “Evidence for alpha-particle condensation in nuclei from the Hoyle state deexcitation,” Physics Letters B 705, 65–70 (2011), doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2011.10.008.

25- E. De Filippo, A. Pagano, P. Russotto, et al., “Correlations between emission timescale of fragments and isospin dynamics in 124Sn + 64Ni and 112Sn + 58Ni reactions at 35A MeV,” Physical Review C 86 (2012), doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.86.014610.

26- G. Cardella, G. Giuliani, I. Lombardo, M. Papa, L. Acosta, C. Agodi, F. Amorini, A. Anzalone, L. Auditore, I. Berceanu, S. Cavallaro, M. B. Chatterjee, E. De Filippo, E. Geraci, L. Grassi, J. Han, E. La Guidara, D. Loria, G. Lanzalone, C. Maiolino, T. Minniti, A. Pagano, S. Pirrone, G. Politi, F. Porto, F. Rizzo, P. Russotto, S. Santoro, A. Trifirò, M. Trimarchi, G. Verde, and M. Vigilante, “Effects of neutron richness on the behavior of nuclear systems at intermediate energies,” Physical Review C 85 (2012), doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.85.064609.

27- E. De Filippo and A. Pagano, “Experimental effects of dynamics and thermodynamics in nuclear reactions on the symmetry energy as seen by the CHIMERA 4? detector,” Eur. Phys. Jour. A 50 (2014), 32 doi:10.1140/epja/i2014-14032-y.

28- G. Cardella, L. Acosta, F. Amorini, L. Auditore, I. Berceanu, A. Castoldi, E. De Filippo, D. Dell’Aquila, L. Francalanza, B. Gnoffo, C. Guazzoni, G. Lanzalone, I. Lombardo, T. Minniti, E. Morgana, S. Norella, A. Pagano, E. V. Pagano, M. Papa, S. Pirrone, G. Politi, A. Pop, L. Quattrocchi, F. Rizzo, E. Rosato, P. Russotto, A. Trifirò, M. Trimarchi, G. Verde, and M. Vigilante, “Particle gamma correlations in 12C measured with the CsI(Tl) based detector array CHIMERA,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 799, 64–69 (2015), doi:10.1016/j.nima.2015.07.054.

29- P. Russotto, E. De Filippo, A. Pagano, et al.  “Production cross sections for intermediate mass fragments from dynamical and statistical decay of projectile-like fragments in 124Sn + 64Ni and 112Sn + 58Ni collisions at 35 A MeV,” Physical Review C 91 (2015), doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.91.014610.

30- P. Russotto, …,….,….A. Pagano, et al. “Results of the ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: The symmetry energy at suprasaturation density,” Physical Review C 94 (2016), doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.94.034608.

31- B. Borderie, Ad. R. Raduta, G. Ademard, M. F. Rivet, E. De Filippo, E. Geraci, N. Le Neindre, R. Alba, F. Amorini, G. Cardella, M. Chatterjee, D. Guinet, P. Lautesse, E. La Guidara, G. Lanzalone, G. Lanzanò, I. Lombardo, O. Lopez, C. Maiolino, A. Pagano, M. Papa, S. Pirrone, G. Politi, F. Porto, F. Rizzo, P. Russotto, and J. P. Wieleczko, “Probing clustering in excited alpha-conjugate nuclei,” Physics Letters B 755, 475–480 (2016), doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2016.02.061.

32- E.V. Pagano, E. De Filippo, P. Russotto, L. Auditore, G. Cardella, M. B. Chatterjee, E. Geraci, B. Gnoffo, C. Guazzoni, G. Lanzalone, S. De Luca, C. Maiolino, N. S. Martorana, A. Pagano, M. Papa, T. Parsani, S. Pirrone, G. Politi, F. Porto, L. Quattrocchi, F. Rizzo, A. Trifirò, and M. Trimarchi, “Measurements of pulse shape discrimination with EJ 299-33 plastic scintillator using heavy ion reaction,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 905, 47 – 52 (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.07.034.

33- E.V. Pagano, M. B. Chatterjee, E. De Filippo, P. Russotto, L. Auditore, G. Cardella, E. Geraci, B. Gnoffo, C. Guazzoni, G. Lanzalone, S. De Luca, C. Maiolino, N. S. Martorana, A. Pagano, M. Papa, T. Parsani, S. Pirrone, G. Politi, F. Porto, L. Quattrocchi, F. Rizzo, A. Trifirò, and M. Trimarchi, “Pulse shape discrimination of plastic scintillator EJ 299-33 with radioactive sources,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 889, 83 – 88 (2018), doi:10.1016/j.nima.2018.02.010.

34- N.S. Martorana, G. Cardella, E.G. Lanza, L. Acosta, M.V. Andrés, L. Auditore, F. Catara, E. De Filippo, S. De Luca, D. Dell’ Aquila, B. Gnoffo, G. Lanzalone, I. Lombardo, C. Maiolino, S. Norella, A. Pagano, E.V. Pagano, M. Papa, S. Pirrone, G. Politi, L. Quattrocchi, F. Rizzo, P. Russotto, D. Santonocito, A. Trifirò, M. Trimarchi, M. Vigilante, and A. Vitturi, “First measurement of the isoscalar excitation above the neutron emission threshold of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in 68Ni,” Physics Letters B 782, 112–116 (2018), doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2018.05.019.

35- S. Pirrone, G. Politi, B. Gnoffo, M. La Commara, E. De Filippo, P. Russotto, M. Trimarchi, M. Vigilante, M. Colonna, S.A. Kalandarov, F. Amorini, L. Auditore, C. Beck, G. Cardella, A. D’Onofrio, E. Geraci, D. Lacroix, E. La Guidara, G. Lanzalone, A. Pagano, E.V. Pagano, M. Papa, E. Piasecki, L. Quattrocchi, F. Rizzo, E. Rosato, G. Spadaccini, A. Trifirò, “Isospin influence on fragments production in 78Kr+40Ca-and 86Kr+48Ca collisions at 10 MeV/nucleon”, European Physical Journal A 55, 22 (2019), doi: 10.1140/epja/i2019-12695-4.

36-  A. Pagano, E. De Filippo, E. Geraci, E. V. Pagano, P. Russotto, K. Siwek-Wilczy?ska, L. Acosta, L. Auditore, T. Cap, G. Cardella et al. (15 more)  “Nuclear neck-density determination at Fermi energy with CHIMERA detector” Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 56: 102

37- P. Russotto, E. De Filippo, E. V. Pagano, L. Acosta, L. Auditore, T. Cap, G. Cardella, S. De Luca, E. Geraci, B. Gnoffo et al. (20 more) “ Dynamical versus statistical production of Intermediate Mass Fragments at Fermi Energies”, Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 56: 12


Fisica generale-storia della fisica – epistemologia (selected)


1. P. Di Mauro, S.Notarrigo, A.Pagano,  “Riesame della teoria di Augusto Righi sull'apparato dell'esperimento di Michelson e Morley” Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, anno 1997 n.2 pag 101

2. A. Pagano “Sul concetto di probabilità classica”, Il Giornale di Fisica - Vol. 043 - Issue 02 pp. 99-104 (2002)

3. A. Pagano “Probabilità: assiomatiche a confronto”, Il Giornale di Fisica Vol. 044 - Issue 04 (2003) DOI: 10.1393/gdf/i2003-10009-9 pp. 251-256 

4. M. Consoli, A.Pagano and L. Pappalardo ‘’Vacuum condensates and ‘ether-drift’ experiments’’,  Phys. Lett. A 318, 292 (2003)  

5. A. Nigro, A. Pagano, F. Zuccarello, “GLOBAL WARMING: SOLAR VARIABILITY AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION”  relazione a congresso SAIt (A.P.) , pub. Memorie della Societa' Astronomica Italiana, Vol. 76, 1015 (2005) 

6. Angelo Pagano, “Teoria Fisica e modelli concreti in Democrito’’ , Relazione al XXVII Convegno Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell' Astronomia Bergamo, 2007. Atti SISFA,  a cura di E. Giannetto,G. Giannini, M.Toscano, ISBN 978-88-8049-408-9 , editrice Guaraldi., I edizione 2010

7. P. Di Mauro and Angelo Pagano “Una nota sulla critica storica alle trasformazioni di Lorentz in relatività speciale”, Relazione (A.P.) al XXXVI SISFA, Atti, a cura di S. Esposito, Pavia University Press, 2017. XVIII , p.245  (2016) ISBN 978-88-6952-043-3

8. P. Di Mauro and Angelo Pagano, ‘’ Criticism of the “vectorialists” Burali-Forti and Boggio to General Relativity” , Relazione(A.P.) al XXXVI SISFA, Atti, a cura di S. Esposito, Pavia University Press, 2017. XVIII , p.175 (2017) ISBN 978-88-6952-069-3 

9. A. Pagano and E.V. Pagano, ‘’A note on Lorentz transformations and simultaneity in classical physics and special relativity’’ Eur. Phys. J.  H (2020) 

10.  Angelo Pagano, Emanuele V. Pagano, Grazia Pagano and Santi Spartà, “A note on Corona-virus (Covid-19) Infection in Italy, Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2020) 135: 667


Academic Year 2021/2022

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Since 1998 - he conceived the first campaign of measurements with CHIMERA within large Int. Collaborations (see: A. Pagano, Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 22, N0.1, 2012). He is at present member of the CHIRONE-INFN experiment.

Scientific activity: Experimental nuclear physics. He studied: - Break-up; Fission-Fusion; Deep-inelastic; Fragmentation, Transfer reactions, Multifragmentation, EOS of nuclear matter, Exotic nuclei.  He promoted innovative equipment’s in heavy ion physics collecting data in European  lab. (LNS, Saclay, GANIL, GSI) and some of them installed at LNS: Vacuum Chamber 2000CT, CHIMERA (1192 Si-CsI(Tl)) multi-detectors. He devotes interest in general physics (education).