Stefano ROMANO

Full Professor of Nuclear and subnuclear physics [FIS/04]
  • Full Professor on Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Ettore Majorana" - University of Catania
  • Lecturer of Nuclear Astrophysics and Environmental Radioactivity (Master Degree Course in Physics)
  • Lecturer of Physics (Bachelor in Biotechnology)
  • Scientific Responsible of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree on Nuclear Physics (NucPhys)
  • Head of the INFN-LNS Research Division
  • National Scientific Coordinator for the INFN participation within the European Nuclear Science and Applications Research - 2  project - HORIZON 2020


Research activities

  • experimental nuclear astrophysics
  • experimental nuclear physics at low energies
  • study of heavy ions nuclear reactions
  • study of quasi-molecular resonances, cluster structures of light nuclei, highly deformed nuclear configurations


Other activities

  •  Alpha and gamma spectrometry
  • Environmental Radioactivity monitoring
  • Indoor e outdoor Radon measurements



  • Current academic position: Full Professor of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics (SC 02/A1 – SSD FIS/04)
  • Current work address: Department of Physics and Astronomy “E. Majorana”, University of Catania, Catania, Italy and INFN – LNS, Catania, Italy
  • Current role at INFN: Head of the LNS Research Division


  • 1989 Degree in Physics - 110/110 - University of Catania;
  • 1997 PhD - University of Catania;

Academic positions:

  • 2014-present: member of the Academic Board of the Physics PhD, University of Catania;
  • 2017-present: Reference Professor and Coordinator of the Nuclear Phenomena and Their Applications educational curriculum within the International Master of Science in Physics, University of Catania;
  • 2017-present: member of the Academic Committee for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree on Nuclear Physics:
  • 2017-present: member of the Selection Committee for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree on Nuclear Physics;
  • 2018-present: Delegate to the Teaching Activity, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Catania;
  • 2010-2012: member of the Coordinating Committee of a Master of Science (II level), University of Catania;
  • 2012-2016: Coordinator of the International PhD in Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics, Scuola Superiore di Catania, University of Catania;
  • 2018-2020: member of the Academic Senate, University of Catania

Scientific and professional experience:

  • 2002-2011 Researcher, University of Catania;
  • 2004-2007 Local Coordinator of the INFN- ASFIN project (CSN3), at LNS;
  • 2007-2010 Local Coordinator of the INFN- Envirad project (CSN5), at LNS;
  • 2007-2016: Spokesperson of the INFN- ASFIN project (CSN3);
  • 2007-present: Research Appointment by INFN;
  • 2009-2010 member of the Working Group 4 of NuPECC (Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee);
  • 2011-2020 Associate Professor, University of Catania;
  • 2012-2016: member and Referee of the International Scientific Committee of BOSICON Conference on “Contaminated Sites Remediation” and referee.
  • 2012-present: member and Referee of the Scientific Selection Panel of the Center of Accelerators and Nuclear Analytical Methods (CANAM);
  • 2011-2015: Scientific Secretary of LNS Program Advisory Committee (PAC);
  • 2017-present: Referee of AIP Conference proceedings, Proceedings of Science, Conference Series, EPJ Web of Conferences;
  • 2017-present: member of the GIANTS (Gruppi Italiani di Astrofisica Nucleare Teorica e Sperimentale) Advisory Committee;
  • 2017-present: Scientific Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree on Nuclear Physics, University of Catania;
  • 2015-present: National Coordinator of the INFN Transnational Access within the EC Grant Agreement “European Nuclear Science and Applications Research-2” (ENSAR2);
  • 2016-present: National Scientific Coordinator for the INFN work packages in ENSAR2;
  • 2016-present: Scientific Coordinator of the User Selection Panel for the INFN Transnational Access;
  • 2016-present: member of the Deliverable Evaluation Committee within ENSAR2
  • 2018-present: member of the European Steering Committee for Ensar_next;
  • 2019-present: contact person for the iThemba-INFN Memorandum of Understandig;
  • 2019-present: Reference person for the Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (RIB facility) e Nuclear astrophysics activities within the iThemba-INFN Memorandum of Understandig;
  • 2009-present: Director of the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory at LNS;
  • 2012-2015: Deputy of the LNS Director;
  • 2016-present: Head of the LNS Research Division;

Scientific skills:

  • Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics
  • Study of heavy ions nuclear reactions
  • Alpha and gamma spectrometry
  • Environmental Radioactivity monitoring
  • Indoor e outdoor Radon measurements
  • Gas detectors for nuclear particles
  • Acquisition and analysis codes development
  • Simulation codes developments

Bibliometric indicators:

publications: >500       WoS-Core Collection (Jan 2021): articles 255   h-index: 39  citations: 3454

Teaching activity:

  • 2002-2020: Professor of the Physics I and II courses for Engineering students;
  • 2011-2019: Professor on “Tecniche di timing in fisica nucleare sperimentale” within the Physics PhD, University of Catania;
  • 2014-present: Professor on Environmental Radioactivity within the International Master of Science in Physics, University of Catania;
  • 2016-present: Professor on Nuclear Astrophysics within the International Master of Science in Physics, University of Catania;
  • Integrative teaching activity: Supervisor of several degree/Ph.D. thesis in Physics and other degree courses. Member, also as chair, in several examination boards for courses, degree and PhD final exams
N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Prof. Romano has carried out his scientific activity mainly in the field of low-energy experimental nuclear physics, from the study of quasi-molecular resonances, cluster structures of light nuclei, highly deformed nuclear configurations, to the study of nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest. The most recent experimental activities have allowed the measurement of the reaction rate for nuclear interactions of interest in various astrophysical frameworks: from the primordial nucleosynthesis, to the problem of abundances of light nuclei (Li, Be, B), to processes of interest in various phases of the stellar evolution (AGB, Novae, etc.). The scientific relevance of these results is widely recognized by the international community, as can be seen from the bibliographic production.

  •  Alpha and gamma spectrometry
  • Environmental Radioactivity monitoring
  • Indoor e outdoor Radon measurements