Teaching Staff: Marco RUSSO
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: INF/01 - Informatics
Taught classes: 21 hours
Laboratories: 45 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The purpose of this course is to study in a practical way the methodological process for the development of complete projects in the field of physics.

As methods of carrying out, there are three possible options that are not necessarily mutually exclusive:

  • - object-oriented software;
  • - modeling using artificial intelligence;
  • - digital hardware.

In particular, the course practically describes the project development process by presenting the problems related to the various phases of the life cycle, with particular reference to the analysis and specification of requirements, the definition of the system, the project itself and its testing.

The project studied and eviscerated during the course will be agreed between the course teacher and each student.

In reference to the so-called Dublin Descriptors, this course helps to acquire the following soft skills:

Knowledge and understanding. The primary objective of the course is identified in the acquisition by students of the of the process to be followed in the development of a complete and well-defined physics project. Another objective is to know how to disseminate the knowledge acquired and/or developed through one's work in writing.

Applying knowledge and understanding. It is intended to provide students with the following skills:

  • Analyze the technical specifications of a project;
  • Identify the main bottlenecks and requirements;
  • Translate the problems to be solved or the phenomena to be simulated into efficient software or hardware.

Making judgments: Through the examination of similar examples in literature and a substantial practical component that involves the carrying out of practical exercises, the learner will be able, both autonomously and cooperatively, to analyze problems and design and implement the related software/hardware solutions.

Communication skills: the student will acquire the necessary communication skills and expressive appropriateness in the use of technical verbal language.

Learning skills: The course aims to provide the learner with the necessary theoretical and practical methodologies to be used in research and professional contexts with particular attention to the physical-design field.

Course Structure

Development of an entire project with attached final documentation.

Detailed Course Content

See Learning Objectives

Textbook Information

Notes and articles provided by the teacher.