Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° Year - Curriculum FISICA TEORICA
Teaching Staff: Giuseppe RUSSO
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/02 - Theoretical physics, mathematical models and methods
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The teaching of classical electrodynamics has as its first goal the deepening of the study of electromagnetism from relativistic point of view. Introduces the elements of the calculus of variations that lead to the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism in the study of the interaction of a charge with an electromagnetic field. The formalism of Lagrangian mechanics is then used for the purpose of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation of Maxwell's equations. The latter approach allows to study any deviations from ordinary Maxwell's theory as the effects of photon mass in the theory of Maxwell-Proca. The second part of the programme covers or study of the classical theory of radiation, the method of potential of Hertz and the so called radiation reaction. Finally, in the third part, covers some aspects of Plasma Physics Electrodynamics and in particular those relating to fusion Plasmas of peculiar interest in the future production of energy.

Detailed Course Content

Covariant formulation of electromagnetism

References on Maxwell's equations – Helmoltz decomposition theorem-The conservation laws: Poynting vector and the Maxwell stress tensor – group velocity and phase velocity-Potential of c.e.m. and gauge invariance – method of Green's function for the solution of the wave equation – late potentials – Minkowski spacetime – cone-light and speed-Variable electromagnetic field Tensor-transformations of c.e.m.-Maxwell equations in covariant four-vector Minkowski-force-density form of force and energy-momentum tensor of c.e.m.-elements of calculus of variations – remarkable Lemmas of the calculus of variations-special cases of the Euler-Lagrange equation: brachistochrone and Relativistic Lagrangian Formulation of Lagrangian mechanics-mirages – and Hamiltonian of a charged relativistic angular momentum in relativistic Motion c.e.m. external – charge-in uniform electric and magnetic fields – inelastic processes Thresholds – additivity of mass-Lagrangian Formulation for continuous systems and fields-Lagrangian of the electromagnetic field – conservation Theorems : energy-momentum tensor Canon – energy-momentum tensor Symmetrization: Belifante – electromagnetic field Hamiltonian procedure-Maxwell-Proca Equations Proca Lagrangian – and generalization of the theorem of Poynting – Some theoretical consequences resulting from the assumption of photons with nonzero mass: magnetostatic and electrostatic effects, scattering of plane waves in a vacuum – typical experiments to predict the upper limit for the mass of the photon.

Classical theory of radiation

Potential Liénard-Wiechert and electromagnetic field generated by a charge in motion – radiation from accelerated charging at low speeds – Larmor Formula-stability of hydrogen-like Atom-radiation from charge with collinear speed acceleration: bremsstrahlung-synchrotron radiation – Cherenkov Radiation Liénard-Formula; Electromagnetic field in the area of the waves – momentum p-emission spectrum of radiation emitted by an accelerated charge--potential carriers of electric and magnetic dipole radiation Hertz – swinging – the law of force between two electric charges in motion – Compton Backscattering-radiation Reaction – heuristic derivation of the equation of Abraham-Lorentz-electromagnetic Mass: qualitative considerations-direct calculation of radiation reaction fields delayed – ownership of the equations of motion of a charged subject to external forces and at autoforza.

Plasma Physics Electrodynamics elements

Phase space distribution function – and Liouville's theorem-Boltzmann equation and Vlasov-Plasma in Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Equations – electromagnetic field – Equations for a fluid MHD model and static solutions-squeezing effect – cyclotron radiation – fusion Plasmas-forcefully and thermonuclear Ignition: ignition temperature and Lawson criterion – controlled thermonuclear fusion : magnetic confinement and inertial confinement – The Tokamak.

Textbook Information

V. Barone : Relatività - Bollati Boringhieri

H. Goldstein : Meccanica classica - Zanichelli

L. Lovitch, S. Rosati : Fisica Generale: Elettricità,Magnetismo, Elettromagnetismo,

Relatività ristretta, Ottica, Meccanica quantistica - C.E.A.

J.D. Jackson : Elettrodinamica classica - Zanichelli

L. Landau : Teoria classica dei campi - Ed. Riuniti

L. Landau : Elettrodinamica dei mezzi continui - Ed. Riuniti

G. Pucella, S.E. Segrè : Fisica dei Plasmi, Zanichelli

J. M. Rax : Physique des Plasmas, Dunod, Paris

The student is free to choose any other text at the university level.